привет мой дорогой друг.
Привет это (имя) как у тебя дела лично у меня все хорошо. Моя страна красивая и чистая. В моей стране проходят субботники на них мы можем стать стране ещё чище собираем мусор в лесах, полях, улицах. А у тебя проходят субботники? твой друг (имя)
Hello my dear friend.
Hi this (name) how are you doing personally I am fine. My country is beautiful and clean. In my country there are subbotniks on them, we can help become a country even cleaner; we collect garbage in forests, fields, streets. Do you have cleanups? your friend (name)
He doesn't know French perfectly. Does he know French perfectly? I don't understand everything he says.
Do you understand everything he says? She doesn't make mistakes in spelling. Does she make mistakes in spelling? They don't enjoy their English lessons. Do they enjoy their English lessons? They don't live in Kiev. Do they live in Kiev? We don't use our books in class. Do we use our books in class? The plane doesn't leave at ten o'clock. Does a plane leave at ten o'clock? She doesn't always come to class late. Does she always come to class late?