ответ:I want to describe the first picture. The painting shows a boy. He is depicted at home. The boy is 10 years old, he is dressed in a red football. The boy listens to music with headphones. I liked the picture, it gives me positive emotions, and reminds me of my childhood
Я хочю описать первую картинку. На картине изображён мальчик . Он изображён у себя дома. Мальчику 10 лет, одет он в красную футболу. Мальчик слушает музыку в наушниках. Картинка мне понравилась она даёт мне позитивные эмоции, и напоминает мне о детстве
I have chosen photo №1
I guess it was taken in someone’s house. It seems like it’s 12 o’clock now because the sun is shining. In the picture I can see three teenagers.
There are three people in the foreground. I think that they talking together. They are reading book and listening to musik. They are sitting on sofas and laughing. Moreover, there is a plant on the left side. And we can also see two teenagers talking together. What is more, there is a girl on the right who is reading a book. They look fine because all of them are smiling.
To sump up, I like this picture for number of reasons. Firstly, all of the girls in this picture are smiling. Secondly, it reminds us of our everyday life.
That’s all I wanted to say.
(Я не совсем понял что происходит на картинке)
one thousand eight hundred fifty six-1856
thousand eight hundred fifty-1850
one thousand eight hundred forty two-1842
one thousand eight hundred fifty seven-1857
one thousand eight hundred fifty eight-1858
one thousand eight hundred sixty one-1861
one thousand eight hundred sixty five-1865