Язык internetexplorer windows internet explore9 has a streamlined look and many new features that speed up your web browsing experience. the first thing you`ll notice when you open internet explorer 9 is the design. you can find most command bar functions, like print or zoom, when you click the tools button, and your favorites and feeds appear in favorites center when you click tabs appear to the right of the address bar, but you can move them so they appear below the address bar , as they did in previous versions of internet explorer. you can always show the favorites, command, status and menu bars -clicking the tools button, and then selecting them on a menu. you can assess websites that you visit regularly by them to the taskbar on your windows 7 desktop. 1. выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1) a)simplify b) simplified c) symplifyed d) simplifying 2) a) the favorites button b) a favorites button c) favorites button d) the favorite buttons 3) a) automaticaly b) automatically c) automatic d) automatics 4) a) on b) in c) at d) by 5) a) pinned b) pined c) pinning d) pining 2. выпишите из текста a) глагол с послелогом (фразовый глагол) b)аббревиатуру(слово в сокращенной форме), укажите слово полностью c) сложные слова 3. переведите предложение на язык и задайте к нему общий. специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы (general, special, alternative, disjunctivequestions). windows internet explorer 9 has a streamlined look and many new features that speed up your web browsing experience. 2. поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимую видовременную форму. укажитевремяизалог. once the hard-disk (re-format) you can restore the files to the hard disk.
1 b
2/a) speed up ускорять
b) tabs= Tabulator
Web=World wide web
c) streamlined, websites, right-clicking, taskbar, Tools button, Windows Internet Explore, Adress bar
3/Программа Windows Internet Explore выглядит модернезированно и имеет множество новых свойств, что ускоряет ваш опыт просмотра веб страниц.
General,- Does Windows Internet Explore have a streamlined look and many new features that speed up your web browsing experience?
Special,-What speeds up your web browsing experience&
Alternative,-Does Windows Internet Explore have a streamlined or strange look ?
DisjunctiveQuestions-Windows Internet Explorer 9 has a streamlined look and many new features that speed up your web browsing experience, hasn"t it?
5. Past Indefinite, Passive Voice- was reformatted