John is ten years old. He has got fair hair. He hasn't fleckles. He lives in Kyiv. His mother and father are from Great Britain. John speaks English and he studies Ukrainian. He is good at reading and speaking, but he isn't very good at writing. He just learns. John wants to be a manager like his father. He often plays computer games. He also enjoys swimming and playing football with his friends. John doesn't like tennis. At the weekend he meets his friends and they spend a lot of time together.
Distance learning is not going very well, because they attach tests, presentations, and as a result, the information is deformed, half of it does not open. Everything has to go through the paragraphs itself, and this is inconvenient.
I communicate with students from other schools and, on behalf of the students in my area, I can say: no one is delighted with this distance learning, because half of the educational materials do not open normally.
Video conferencing goes well when there are few people on them and nothing "lags" or slows down. So far, we have had normal conferences only in the Russian language. We sorted out our mistakes in our essays, because we already wrote the OGE probe. We were told in detail how to write an essay well.
When they explained to us what distance learning is, they said that the lessons would be online. That we will include a conference, the topic will be read to us, as in a lecture, and we will write a summary under dictation. As a result, there is no such thing.
1. radio (war -война)
2. tv
3 cat
6. art
7. I + zar
8. plane - самолёт
9. lamp + parrot
w a r a d i o c o a - война + радио - war + radio
a t v d e f g o r r - телевизор+ xoдить - tv + go
t r c a t h i o a m - кошка - cat
c i r c l e g k n c - круг - circle
d a j k c d l e g h - нога - leg
o n m s q u a r t i - искусство - art
l l v w x y s z a r - я царь - I + zar
a e r o p l a n e c - аэроплан - a e r o p l a n e
p a r r o t l a m p - попугай + лампа - parrot + lamp