Уважаемый друг по переписке, Меня зовут Светка . Я из России. Это большая страна . Есть много городов , поселков и ферм в России . Столица России Москва . Я живу в Москве. Это большой город . Улицы широкие и длинные в Москве. На улицах вы можете увидеть много людей , машин, больших и высоких домов . Некоторые люди хотели жить в этой стране . В стране, которую вы можете увидеть зеленые поля и холмы, длинные реки и красивые зеленые сады с яблонями . Есть много коров, лошадей и овец на фермах . Дома в стране хороши и маленькие. Наша страна прекрасна ! Приходите к нам ! С наилучшими пожеланиями, Света Белова .
Cultural Tourism (or culture tourism) is the subset of tourism concerned with a traveler's engagement with a country or region's culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those people, their art, architecture, religion(s), and other elements that helped shape their way of life.
Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities (i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle, as well as niches like industrial tourism and creative tourism.
It is generally agreed that cultural tourists spend substantially more than standard tourists do. This form of tourism is also becoming generally more popular throughout the world, and a recent OECD report has highlighted the role that cultural tourism can play in regional development in different world regions.
Cultural tourism has been defined as 'the movement of persons to cultural attractions away from their normal place of residence, with the intention to gather new information and experiences to satisfy their cultural needs'. These cultural needs can include the solidification of one's own cultural identity, by observing the exotic "others".
Cultural tourism has a long history, and with its roots in the Grand Tour is arguably the original form of tourism. It is also one of the forms of tourism that most policy makers seem to be betting on for the future. The World Tourism Organisation, for example, asserted that cultural tourism accounted for 37% of global tourism, and forecast that it would grow at a rate of 15% per year.
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