Once upon a time I was walking down the forest. It was a forest near to my village. I don't actually remember the time, but it was closly to midnight. The Sun has already sat, but the moon hasn't raised yet. I knew that pathway i walked as my fingers on right hand. That day I didn't know, that night was going to be the last for me.
Getting close to the end of my night trip, I felt a strange tickle upper stomach, and some girl whispered me: "Turn left... I'm waiting...". I frightened and quickly turned over. There were nobody, but the voice didn't vanish. The girl told me to turn another way again... and again. When I was ready to scream and run home, something took control on me, and my member cuts here. Next thing I remember is a woman with her fangs in my neck. It was my last night... Last night of my human side.
Нравится ли вам путешествовать? - но во время путешествия вы можете увидеть много интересных вещей, которые вы никогда не увидите дома и смотря tv. это, само собой разумеется, что путешествие расширяет минимальный уровень. - я не могу согласиться с вами. вам не нужно посещать популяры, но вы можете открыть для себя новые далекие места и насладиться пейзажем. кроме того, во время поездок вы также можете улучшить свои знания иностранных языков. открывать новые далекие места и наслаждаться пейзажем. кроме того, во время путешествий вы также можете улучшить свои знания иностранных языков. - но вы должны признать, что когда вы путешествуете, вы можете попробовать иностранную еду и завести новых друзей - - - не совсем! если у вас мало денег, вы можете организовать рабочий отпуск. почему бы не пойти в gread britain, чтобы дикой природе и улучшить ландшафт
Dear rachel, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to talk about a new coffee house that opened near my house.well, since it was opened quite recently, i was there only once and tried a great espresso. there are very polite staff and i hope that when you arrive we will go there. by the way, how is your sister? did she enter a medical college? did she find new friends there? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex удачи.
Getting close to the end of my night trip, I felt a strange tickle upper stomach, and some girl whispered me: "Turn left... I'm waiting...". I frightened and quickly turned over. There were nobody, but the voice didn't vanish. The girl told me to turn another way again... and again. When I was ready to scream and run home, something took control on me, and my member cuts here. Next thing I remember is a woman with her fangs in my neck. It was my last night... Last night of my human side.