In the 21st century, some people want to go back to those simple times.So is Jonna Messi.She has the same appliances at home that were used earlier in the 50s.Jonah herself and her husband adhere to the fashion of those years.She tries to stick to the spirit of the 50s, she bakes cakes for friends.She is happy to be a housewife like in the 50s.Although it is recognized that it has the technique of the 21st century, but it tries to make sure that they do not catch the eye and do not spoil the atmosphere.Joanna shudders at all the greed and materialism of the 21st century.
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" Carlson - a small plump opinionated man , and besides, he can fly . On airplanes and helicopters can fly all , but Carlson is able to fly itself . He had only to press a button on the abdomen, as behind him immediately starts dodgy motor . For a minute , until the propeller does not spin up as follows Carlson standing still , but when the motor is in full score , Carlson soars skyward and flies , swaying slightly , with such an important and worthy , looking like any director - of course, if you can imagine Director with a propeller on his back. Carlson lives on the roof ... ".
вот так просто у меня 5 по английскому 11 классов
I wake up at 6:40. I dress and eat. I go to school. I spend half a day there from 8:00 to 13: 40. After school, I come home. I have a snack and start to do homework. helps to make lessons. After homework, I like to draw, and here I also use the Internet. I watch different videos and sometimes TV shows.
перевод: Я просыпаюсь в 6:40.Одеваюсь и кушаю.Иду в школу .Там я провожу пол дня с 8:00 до 13:40.После школы я прихожу домой.Перекусываю и начинаю делать уроки.Сдесь я и использую интернет.Он мне очень сделать уроки.После домашнего задания я люблю рисовать,и здесь тоже использую интернет.Я смотрю разные видио а иногда сериалы.