1. Been - неправильный глагол, остальные можальные глаголы
2. Wanted - окончание -ed, остальные неправильные глаголы из таблицы
3. Letter - существительное, остальные глаголы
4. An - артикль, остальные предлоги
5. Things - окончание -s множественного числа, остальные слова исключения
If your family vacation usually involves a trip to an overcrowded theme park, or the same beach you visit every year, it’s time to shake things up. Choose one of these destinations for a fantastic family adventure.
Audley Travel
The best way to see Tortuguero National Park, in Costa Rica, is by boat.
Before you go, verify age limits for children’s activities, and remember: some sites may close unexpectedly, or have limited hours due to weather or other factors. If you’re a U.S. citizen, visit the U.S. Department of State website for information on required documentation, vaccinations, health and safety concerns, currency restrictions and more.
Intrepid Travel
Look for plunging waterfalls and the Northern Lights in Iceland.
Sure, Iceland is cold, but there’s still plenty to do on a Winter Iceland Family Adventure. Kids age 12 and up can snorkel with you in the crystalline waters of the Silfra fissure, an opening between the North American and Eurasian continents. Explore the old harbor and famous Hallgrimskirkja church in Reykjavik, the capital city, and then venture into the largest man-made ice cave in the world, at Langjokull Glacier. The whole family can learn how the island’s natural phenomena were formed by volcanic and geothermal forces when you hike at scenic Skaftafell National Park.
Namibia & Botswana
Intrepid Travel
Arid Namibia lies between the Namib and Kalahari deserts.
Climb a sand dune to watch a fiery sunset on a Family Adventure in Southern Africa. And Botswana, in southern Africa. Tours leave from Windhoek, once a German colonial city and now the capital of Namibia. The land looks other-worldly, with its shimmering sand dunes and dried lakebeds, but this is a great place for kids (and adults) to learn about desert ecology and the region’s history. Guides lead interactive walks into the bush and explain the tracking skills and survival methods used by the San tribe, inhabitants of this area for over 30,000 years. You’ll pass hippos and elephants as you paddle canoes through the Okavango Delta, one of the best places in the country to spot animals and birds. The journey ends at Victoria Falls, known as the world’s largest waterfall, in Zimbabwe.
Northern India
Intrepid Travel
The Taj Mahal is India's famous monument to love.
If your children have read Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, they’ll expect India to be bursting with sights, sounds and colors, and they won’t be disappointed. Sample delicious curries, ride a train through rural villages, and photograph the iconic Taj Mahal (note: the main dome is being refurbished, starting in April 2017) on a Comfort Northern India Family Holiday. You can look—from a safe distance—for tigers in Ranthambore National Park, visit temples and smell spices and incense as you stroll through markets and bazaars. In the city of Jaipur, shop for textiles and pottery as camels, rickshaws and motorbikes go by.
In the painting “Girl with peaches” (the famous portrait of Vera Mamontova by Russian artist Valentin Serov) we can see a girl in a light pink dress, sitting at the table. The girl is about twelve years old.
She is dark-skinned and there is bright blush on her cheeks. She has got thick dark hair, which is a bit tousled. The girl has got a pretty roundish face. Her eyebrows are dark and thick. She has got big brown eyes.
The girl is sitting in a light room. I think it is a dining room. Behind the girl there is a big window in a white wooden frame. Through the window we can see some leaves of the trees in the garden. The leaves are light green and yellow. The walls in the room are white. There is a big white porcelain plate on the wall next to the window with a beautiful blue pattern on it. Behind the girl we can also see a statuette of a soldier.
There are some dark brown wooden chairs in the room and a small table beside the window. The big table, at which the girl is sitting, is covered with a white tablecloth.
The girl is holding a big yellow peach in her hands. On the table in front of the girl there are three more peaches. There are also some dry maple leaves and a small knife.
На картине «Девочка с персиками» (знаменитый портрет Веры Мамонтовой русского художника Валентина Серова) мы видим девочку в светло-розовом платье, сидящую за столом. Девочке около двенадцати лет.
Она смуглая, на ее щеках яркий румянец. У нее густые, темные, немного взъерошенные волосы. У девочки круглое лицо и густые темные брови. У нее большие карие глаза.
Девочка сидит в светлой комнате. Мне кажется, что это столовая. За девочкой большое окно в белой деревянной раме. Через окно видно листья деревьев в саду. Они светло-зеленые и желтые. В комнате белые стены. На стене рядом с окном висит белая фарфоровая тарелка с красивым синим узором. За девочкой мы также видим фигурку солдата.
В комнате есть несколько темно-коричневых деревянных стульев и маленький столик у окна. Большой стол, за которым сидит девочка, покрыт белой скатертью.
Девочка держит в руках большой желтый персик. На столе перед девочкой еще три персика. Также на столе лежат сухие кленовые листья и маленький ножик.
a) been