Past Simple 1) I started my business a year ago. 2) Anel cooked pizza yesterday. 3) Aidana spoke Russian at the meeting. 4) They painted the walls with light-green. 5) I drank a cap of coffee ten minutes ago. 6) She saw him in the park two days ago. 7) They saw the film last week. 8) I was a teacher many years ago. Past Progressive 1) I was cooking for my parents yesterday at 5 o'clock. 2) Teacher was teaching to me new lesson all the time at english class. 3) They were having breakfast when I came. 4) Children were reading a book when teacher came. 5) I was speaking English at that moment. 6) I was going to Nazarbaev school the morning. 7) They saw the film last week. 8) I was a teacher many years ago.
Past Progressive
1) I was cooking for my parents yesterday at 5 o'clock. 2) Teacher was teaching to me new lesson all the time at english class. 3) They were having breakfast when I came. 4) Children were reading a book when teacher came. 5) I was speaking English at that moment. 6) I was going to Nazarbaev school the morning. 7) My sister was reading a book yesterday at 7 o'clock. 8) She was sleeping when I come home
Today I'm going to help my mom around the house. Go to the movies with your friends. After the movie, we were going to go on a picnic, buy different food at the store and have fun. Despite the fact that I'm currently studying (I don't really like studying) I'm going to have some fun anyway. Today I'm going to write a plan for how I'm going to spend my fun summer.
Сегодня я собираюсь маме по дому. Сходи в кино с друзьями. После фильма мы собирались отправиться на пикник, купить в магазине разную еду и повеселиться. Несмотря на то, что я сейчас учусь (мне не очень нравится учиться) Я все равно собираюсь немного повеселиться. Сегодня я собираюсь написать план того, как я собираюсь провести свое веселое лето.
На самом деле очень сложно написать план на день другого человека. Ведь я не знаю чем ты любишь заниматься. Но я написала план своего сегодняшнего дня. Надеюсь . :)