1) Have you read the letter from Aunt Emily yet? — Yes, I have. She wants to visit us. She will come next Wednesday. 2) Why are you looking at that woman so attentively? Do you know her? — It seems to me I have already met her somewhere. 3) Is Jane in the office? Yes, she has been typing some documents since 9 o’clock. 4) The police inspector has been investigating this robbery for a week now. He has talked to all the witnesses already but he hasn't found the robbers yet. 5) I don't know how long Henry has been working on that project, but he hasn't finished it yet. 6) The secretary usually comes to the office at 9 o’clock, but it is half past nine now and she hasn't arrived yet. 7) Is Den in his room now? What has he been doing there since morning? — He has been preparing for the research expedition. He has booked a plane ticket already and now he is packing his things. 8) Are you OK, Nigel? You look very pale.— l am just tired. Ihave been working on mj^ report all night. 9) Who has been training in the gym for half a day now? — Ben and Alex. They have been preparing for an international championship for eight months now. They train every day. 10) How long has Nelly been painting this picture? — She has been painting it for a month now. She wants to exhibit it in our gallery next month.
Дорогой Том! за твое письмо. Я счастлива, что получила его. Я согласна с тобой, что приятно перелистывать страницы книги в книжном магазине, когда выбираешь ее. Кроме того, ты можешь читать фрагменты книги и смотреть в ней фотографии. Что касается моего любимого романа, это "Сто лет одиночества'' Габриэль Гарсия Маркес. Речь идет о семье Буэндиа, которые живут в Южной Америке. Роман полон таинственных событий и персонажей, у которых есть магические Я думаю, что самым главным в романе является сюжет, потому что он нам следовать за персонажами и анализировать их поведение. Итак, вы собираетесь принять участие в викторине-шоу? Какие задачи будут в этом шоу? Где она будет проходить? Берегите себя! С наилучшими пожеланиями, Твое имя :D
как я думаю)