I had a wonderful winter vacation. I love the new year, this holiday bustle, various Christmas movies that lift the mood. Winter holidays began on 29 December. That day at school was new year's holiday. We diligently prepared for this holiday. Rehearsed every day until the evening of the dance. In class we had a tea party. We brought a lot of sweet that day. Then we had a disco. I really had a good this last school day before the holidays.
Winter holidays are New year. Met a holiday the whole family. In the evening, pulled a large table and decorated a Christmas tree. In 12 hours we all went outside, where he launched fireworks and lit sparklers.
On other days I'd go out with friends, skating and skiing. Christmas Came. I went to the village to the grandmother and grandfather. There went caroling with his girlfriend. We were given a lot of candy and money. The holidays have ended, and I still had to do homework, we asked. The weather these days has been great. I love when it's cold and lots of snow. I really liked these winter holidays.
1. Extremes meet — Крайности сходятся/Противоположности притягиваются 2. East or West home is best — В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 3. Better late than never — Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 4. All’s well that ends well — Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. 5. Out of sight out of mind — С глаз долой, из сердца вон. 6. As fit as a fiddle — В полном здравии, в хорошем настроении. 7. No sweet without sweat — Не вкусив горького, не видать и сладкого. 8. A penny saved is a penny gained — Не истратил пенни — значит, заработал. 9. By one’s father’s side — С отцовской стороны, по отцовской линии. 10. Just a joke — Всего лишь шутка. 11. Have a heart! — Сжальтесь!, помилосердствуйте! 12. A good beginning makes a good ending — Хорошее начало полдела откачало. 13. Too good to be true — Невероятно, не может быть / Слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой. 14. Who knew, who is who — Кто знает — «кто есть кто». 15. New lords new laws — Новая метла метёт по-новому…