The first session for me, probably like for all students, was difficult. I was very tired and taught a lot, sometimes I only slept for 5-6 hours a day.
The most memorable was the anatomy test. We passed first according to the systems, and then everything in place, i.e. a big test.
In the big competition, according to tradition, they greeted the teacher and sat down. After that, she said that three of them have a's and they will not pass the big test. But among them, unfortunately, I did not enter because on the first small test, I got a three. They were so happy, and we were left envious of them to pass a big test. And so I got a b in anatomy.
The first session for me, probably like for all students, was difficult. I was very tired and taught a lot, sometimes I only slept for 5-6 hours a day.
The most memorable was the anatomy test. We passed first according to the systems, and then everything in place, i.e. a big test.
In the big competition, according to tradition, they greeted the teacher and sat down. After that, she said that three of them have a's and they will not pass the big test. But among them, unfortunately, I did not enter because on the first small test, I got a three. They were so happy, and we were left envious of them to pass a big test. And so I got a b in anatomy.
Красивая, чистая сердцем, девушка по имени Малефисента жила идиллической жизнью в мирном лесу далёкого королевства, пока в него не вторглась королевская армия и не нарушила его спокойствие. Малефисенте приходится встать на защиту своих земель. Её жестоко предают и сердце девушки, прежде открытое и мягкое, начинает каменеть. Жаждущая мести Малефисента сталкивается лицом к лицу с преемником злого короля и насылает проклятие на его новорождённую дочь Аврору. По мере того, как Аврора взрослеет, Малефисента понимает, что эта девушка является ключом к миру в королевстве, а, может, и её собственного счастья.