В этом кинофильме звучит очень много разной музыки.Всего в кинофильме идёт 5 частей. первая часть называется "Знакомство" в ней играет такая музыка: Увертюра,У камина,Тема зла ,Размышления Холмса,Тема гобоя,Сокровища Агры,Погоня на катере,Скрипка Холмса.Вторая часть называется "Собака Баскервилей",туда входит такая музыка:Легенда Баскервилей ,Холмс и Ватсон ,Лора Лайенс,Сэр Генри ,Тревога ,Вальс Берилл ,Пьяный сэр, Генри ,Собака Баскервилей ,Приезд в Девоншир ,Лора и Холмс ,В кэбе ,Погоня ,Берилл ,Апофеоз .Третья часть называется "Смертельный поединок",музыка,играющая там:24. В доме Адера , Предчувствие , Шулер , Мориарти , Схватка , Рейхенбахский водопад , Прощание , Траурный марш .Четвертая часть идёт под названием "Возвращение",музыка,которая идёт к ней:У камина без Холмса , Воспоминание о Холмсе , Мистический детектив , Встреча Холмса и Ватсона , ХХ век и Танго .Пятая часть последняя "Прощание с Холмсом",музыка в этой части:Война,Вальс Ирен,Воспоминание о скрипке Холмса,Прощание с домом и Финал. This movie sounds a lot of different music.Just the movie is 5 parts. the first part called "introduction" it plays this kind of music: Overture,the fireplace,the Theme of evil ,thoughts of Holmes,the theme of the oboe,Treasures of Agra,the Chase boat,Violin Holmes.The second part is called "the hound of the Baskervilles",there is such music:the Legend of the Baskervilles ,Holmes and Watson ,Laura Layens,Sir Henry ,Anxiety ,Waltz Beryl ,Drunk sir Henry, the hound of the Baskervilles ,the Arrival in Devonshire ,Laura and Holmes ,In the cab ,the Chase ,the Beryl ,the Apotheosis .The third part is called "death match",the music that plays there:24. In the house of Hadad , a Premonition , a Sharpie , Moriarty , the Battle of Reichenbach falls , a Farewell , a Funeral March .The fourth part is called "Return",the music that comes to her by the fireplace without Holmes , the Memoirs of Holmes , a mysterious detective , the Meeting of Holmes and Watson , the twentieth century and tango .The fifth part is the last "Goodbye Mr. Holmes",the music in this part:War,Irene Waltz,memories of the violin Holmes farewell to the house and the Final.
Hi! I'm fond of sports too, espeially football. So I joined our school football club two years ago. I best footballer in our class. I often take part in different sport competitions in our school. I liked the last olympic games in Sochi. I was watching a lot of reportage filming of olympic competitions. The best way of spending past time for me is leisure best with the best of friends.
Здравствуй! Я Увлекаюсь спортом тоже, особенно футболом. Поэтому я вступил в наш школьный футбольный клуб два года назад. Я лучший футболист в нашем классе. Я часто принимают участие в различных спортивных соревнований в нашей школе. Мне Очень понравились последние Олимпийские игры в Сочи. Я смотрел много репортажей олимпийских соревнований. Лучший провести время для меня отдых лучше всего с лучшими друзьями.
Once we were taught their children to use a spoon, potty, brush your teeth. And find this time and strength, and patience. To accustom the baby to the book also follows from an early age. Bright beautiful book should occupy its most honorable place among his toys. But the problem remains: the children do not read. We can assume that the perpetrators of such a situation become a TV and the computer, and parents often work 20 hours a day, and they have no time to deal with children. Little man by holding the right of presenting him the book parents will understand that reading from a computer screen and reading a book, perceived in his hands - quite different concepts. He would touch her, flipping through the pages and enjoy this touch.
This movie sounds a lot of different music.Just the movie is 5 parts. the first part called "introduction" it plays this kind of music: Overture,the fireplace,the Theme of evil ,thoughts of Holmes,the theme of the oboe,Treasures of Agra,the Chase boat,Violin Holmes.The second part is called "the hound of the Baskervilles",there is such music:the Legend of the Baskervilles ,Holmes and Watson ,Laura Layens,Sir Henry ,Anxiety ,Waltz Beryl ,Drunk sir Henry, the hound of the Baskervilles ,the Arrival in Devonshire ,Laura and Holmes ,In the cab ,the Chase ,the Beryl ,the Apotheosis .The third part is called "death match",the music that plays there:24. In the house of Hadad , a Premonition , a Sharpie , Moriarty , the Battle of Reichenbach falls , a Farewell , a Funeral March .The fourth part is called "Return",the music that comes to her by the fireplace without Holmes , the Memoirs of Holmes , a mysterious detective , the Meeting of Holmes and Watson , the twentieth century and tango .The fifth part is the last "Goodbye Mr. Holmes",the music in this part:War,Irene Waltz,memories of the violin Holmes farewell to the house and the Final.