5 запишите повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи .
Emily said she would play in the yard that afternoonThe daughter said she had learnt the poem by heart to her mother My friend said he had gone to the cinema the previous week.she said she was doing yoga at that time.he said he had scored 89 marks in the exam.Gilbert said he would have a cup of coffee .Victor said he wasn't very good at dancing They said they were working in the garden then.The girl said she had swept the floor an hour ago.The child said he had eaten all the soup .2. Read the clues and write the words.
artist, champion ,expert, genius, inventor, mathematician, professor, programmer , winner
The best person in a big competition is the champion
1) If you're the first person in a race, you're the winner.
2) If you're a very intelligent person like Einstein, you're a genius!
3) A painter is a type of artist.
4) If you know a lot about one thing, you're an expert.
5) A mathematician is very interested in numbers.
6 An important teacher at a university is a professor.
7 A programmer writes computer programs.
8 An inventor is very creative and makes new things.
На эти данные часто ссылаются
2. This phenomenon will be spoken about.
Об этом явлении часто говорят
3. This method was used often because it saved time.
Этот метод часто использовался, потому что он экономил время
4. The research workers brought many new devices to their laboratory last month.
В ммесяце исследователи принесли много нового оборудования в лабораторию
5. The students will show well-equipped lecture halls to their foreign students.
Студенты покажут иностранным учащимся новые хорошо -оборудованные лекционные залы
6. Workers are building a new office of a well-known company at present.
Рабочие сейчас строят новый офис для одной известной компании