Housewife said that she had got his number from internet and that she was looking for an interior designer to design her house. She asked him if he could help her. Interior designer answered in the affirmation. He asked her if she could tell him where she was calling from. Housewife said that she was calling from New-York. Interior designer said that he would like to know which section of her house was to be designed. Housewife said that she was planning to get her kitchen area designed..Interior designer asked how big that area was, so he could plan accordingly. Housewife said thar the area was about 100 sq. ft..Interior designer asked how she wanted to get it designed. Housewife said that she was planning to take her room area itself in kitchen so that it got bigger. And she wanted an open kitchen.Interior designer said that he would help her with that. He said that for that he needed to visit her house first. Housewife said that she would text him the address on the same number.
I`m very glad to write you again
In my country i can see many people in unifroms, such as doctors ,policeman ,builders ,firefighers ,they have special uniform ,specialy for they professions
Sorry im need to go ,write back soon.
Best wishes
your friend!