Every nation living on Earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, features of the national cuisine. A cuisine is a certain set of cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation. A cuisine is often named after the place where it originated. The choice of ingredients depends on the region or country.
For example, the Greeks use lots of tomatoes, olives, lemons and seafood in their dishes because these products are easily found in their country.
Today, if you want to taste the food of different countries, it’s not necessary to fly there. The restaurants of various cuisines can be found almost in every city. I live in Yekaterinburg and there are lots of Chinese, Japanese, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish and even Mexican restaurants here.
Chinese dishes are mostly made of rice and noodles. The thing that I like about this cuisine is the variety of green and herbal teas.
Japanese cuisine is based on fresh seafood, soybeans and white rice. I have already tried several types of rolls and sushi with soy sauce and it was rather delicious.
French cuisine is considered to be the most exquisite and refined of all. I have never tried French dishes but I’d love to. They say French cheese, wine and pastries are really good.
Greek food is delicious. My favourite dish is the Greek salad with fresh tomatoes, olives, bell peppers and tofu cheese.
I also like Italian food. It mainly offers different types of pizzas and pasta. I think, that Italian cuisine somehow reminds the Greek one because both these countries are situated in the Mediterranean.
Spanish cuisine offers lots of dishes from seafood and fresh vegetables. A good example of this cuisine is paella.
Mexican cuisine uses lots of spices and chili pepper. Famous Mexican dishes are tacos and quesadillas.
What is rubbish?
Rubbish is a thing that we don’t need and we
throw away.
What do people do with rubbish?
On the one hand the major part of rubbish is put
in landfill sites.
On the other hand the other part of rubbish is
There are two ways of the disposal of rubbish.
Firstly, it is burning the rubbish. This is very harmful because the gases that
are given off pollute the air. There aren’t many factories that burn the rubbish
because this process is Ecologically-unfriendly. Secondly, it is recycling the
rubbish. This process is Environmentally-friendly.
As for me, I remember the rule of 3 Rs: REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE!
I try to reduce the amount of rubbish I throw away. I buy unpackaged goods,
like fruit and vegetables.
I try to use things as many times as possible. I don’t throw away my old
clothes and furniture because I give them to charity. Somebody probably
wants them.
The Ancient Greeks in about 2500 BC dug a big hole several kilometres
outside town and threw away their rubbish. And we still generally use the
same solution today. So, I hope in the future there will be more factories
which recycle the rubbish and the amount of landfill sites will be reduce.
London's public transport consists of buses, among them - the world-famous London double-decker buses, trams, the world's oldest subway and light railway DLR. Another passenger transportation within the city are national railways, several shipping companies on the Thames, and, of course, the famous black London taxi - cab.
Double-decker red buses "Rutmaster» (Routemaster) is a business card of London. As a public bus it appeared in the streets of London in December 2005 for the last time, having served the residents of the city for nearly 50 years. The story goes that once the double-decker bus (dabldeker) was established to increase passenger capacity, subject to the then London restrictions on vehicle length. At first there were no doors on the bus at all, and passengers could enter and exit the bus directly through the open platform at the rear part of the cabin. And the landing was carried out not only at bus stops, but even then, when the bus braked at the crossroads, at the turn or in a traffic jam. This inevitably led to the injury.
Общественный транспорт Лондона состоит из автобусов, в числе которых — всемирно известные лондонские двухэтажные автобусы, трамваев, старейшего в мире метро и легкой железной дороги DLR. Еще пассажирские перевозки внутри города осуществляют Национальные железные дороги, несколько судоходных компаний на Темзе и, конечно же, знаменитое черное лондонское такси — кэб. Двухэтажные красные автобусы «Рутмастер» (Routemaster) — визитная карточка Лондона. В качестве рейсового автобуса он последний раз появился на лондонских улицах в декабре 2005 года, отслужив жителям города почти 50 лет. История гласит, что некогда двухэтажный автобус (даблдекер) был создан для увеличения вместимости пассажиров при соблюдении действовавшего тогда в Лондоне ограничения на длину транспорта. Дверей в автобусе не было, пассажиры могли входить и выходить непосредственно через открытую платформу в задней части салона. Причем посадка осуществлялась не только на автобусных остановках, но даже тогда, когда автобус притормаживал на перекрестке, у поворота или в пробке. Это неизбежно вело к травмам.