1.) It is my personal belief that this man is innocent.
2.) Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep breath and say "ah"
3. You should put your valuables in the ouse .
4. Drug se is a terrible problem all over the world.
5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun bathing .
6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a relief to see you at last!
7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take a half and I’ll take a half .”
надоело писать. Дальше буду так.
8. use
10. excuse
11. grieve
12. advice
Глагол по-русски
Verb in Russian Неопределенная форма Infinitive
(В алфавитном порядке) Простое
Past simple Причастие II
Past participle
пребывать, терпеть, соблюдать abide abode (abided) abode (abided)
возникать, появляться arise arose arisen
быть be was/were been
нести, рожать bear bore born / borne
бить beat beat beaten
становится become became become
начинать begin began begun
гнуть bend bent bent
держать пари bet bet bet
предлагать цену bid bade/bid bidden/bid
связывать bind bound bound
кусаться bite bit bitten
кровоточить bleed bled bled
дуть blow blew blown
ломать break broke broken
выращивать breed bred bred
приносить bring brought brought
вещать по радио, телевидению broadcast broadcast (broadcasted) broadcast (broadcasted)
строить build built built
гореть, жечь burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned)
взрываться burst burst (bursted) burst (bursted)
покупать buy bought bought
бросать, проводить кастинг cast cast cast
ловить catch caught caught
выбирать choose chose chosen
цепляться, липнуть cling clung clung
одевать(ся) clothe clad (clothed) clad (clothed)
приходить come came come
стоить cost cost cost
ползти creep crept crept
резать cut cut cut
(по)сметь dare durst (dared) dared
вести дела deal dealt dealt
копать dig dug dug
нырять, погружаться dive dove (dived) dived
делать do did done
рисовать, тянуть draw drew drawn
мечтать, грезить dream dreamed (dreamt) dreamed (dreamt)
пить drink drank drunk
водить автомобиль drive drove driven
обитать, останавливаться dwell dwelt dwelt
есть eat ate eaten
падать fall fell fallen
кормить feed fed fed
чувствовать feel felt felt
бороться fight fought fought
находить find found found
подходить, подгонять (по размеру) fit fit (fitted) fitted
сбежать flee fled fled
швырять, бросать fling flung flung
летать fly flew flown
запрещать forbid forbade (forbad) forbidden
писать write wrote written
English King Henry VIII, when he wanted to get married again, he didn't conspired with the Roman Pope and established his Church of England. And relations between Ireland and England especially have been soured since that time, because Ireland remained Catholic, but England already wasn't Catholic and don't particularly want to tolerate Catholics. From the end of XVII to XVIII century under the pretext of fighting the Catholic conspiracies British authorities issued a series of punitive laws, which deprived the Irish Catholics of political and largely civil rights and established a system of gross national and religious discrimination.
Irish, under such conditions slowly began to emigrate to America.
Discrimination has been continued rather long, until North American War of Independence broke out, but in France - revolution. Against the background of these events, which was backed by their own desire to be free, Ireland has inflamed the national liberation movement.