This report is so difficult, that I (not/complete) it in a year’s time.
he/she/it is discovering
for 2 (3, 4, 5...) weeks (в течение/уже 2, 3, 4, 5... недель). By the end of the summer the workers will have been constructing this swimming pool for 3 weeks. — К концу лета рабочие будут строить бассейн уже 3 недели.
Iam inventing
youare inventing
he/she/itis inventing
When the new century begins, they (reconstruct) this church for nearly 25 years
Iam building
youare building
he/she/itis building
weare building
youare building
Iam launching
youare launching
youhave launched
theyhave launched
Will he have learned enough German to communicate before he moves to Berlin? — Он в достаточной степени выучит немецкий, до того, как переедет в Берлин?
1. Физическая среда (окружение) - physical surroundings 2. Особенности, характерные черты - features 3. Почва и растительность - soil and vegetation 4. Жилищные условия - housing 5. Включать в себя такие вещи как - include things such as 6. Оказывать влияние на весь мир - affect our entire world 7. Продолжать(ся) - continue 8. Природный процесс - natural processes 9. Оставаться незатронутым - being left untouched 10. Международные вопросы - international issues 11. Основные проблемы окружающей среды - major environmental problems 12. Вмешательство в окружающую среду - interference with the environment 13. Вызывать, являться причиной - cause 14. Волноваться, быть озабоченным - be concerned 15. Опасные отходы - hazardous waste 16. Истощение озонового слоя - ozone depletion 17. перенаселение - overpopulation 18. Решение (проблемы) - solution 19. Повышать уровень - increase the level 20. Сжигание нефти и бензина - Burning oil and petrol
1. Many people are concerned about human action in the environment.. Many people aren't concerned about human action in the environment. Are many people concerned about human action in the environment? Many people are concerned about human action in the environment, aren't they? Who is concerned about human action in the environment? Are many people concerned or not concerned about human action in the environment? 2. A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. A variety of environmental problems now don't affect our entire world. Do a variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world? Do a variety of environmental or physical problems now affect our entire world? A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world, don't it? What does affect our entire world now?
I shall/ will (I'll) have developed
You will (you'll) have developed
He/ She/ It will (he'll/ she’ll) have developed
I investigate
You investigate
He/she/it investigates
This report is so difficult, that I (not/complete) it in a year’s time.
he/she/it is discovering
for 2 (3, 4, 5...) weeks (в течение/уже 2, 3, 4, 5... недель). By the end of the summer the workers will have been constructing this swimming pool for 3 weeks. — К концу лета рабочие будут строить бассейн уже 3 недели.
Iam inventing
youare inventing
he/she/itis inventing
When the new century begins, they (reconstruct) this church for nearly 25 years
Iam building
youare building
he/she/itis building
weare building
youare building
Iam launching
youare launching
youhave launched
theyhave launched
Will he have learned enough German to communicate before he moves to Berlin? — Он в достаточной степени выучит немецкий, до того, как переедет в Берлин?
you erectedhe
/she/it erectedwe