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Написать 5 разных вопросов к тексту вот текс нужно 5 разных типов after finishing school students have to decide if they want to continue their education, there is a great choice of vocational schools, colleges, institutes, universities and academies, that provide professional education and prepare for a future career. if school-leavers want to be independent from their parents and earn their own living, they can find a job that doesn’t require any special education or professional training. i believe that it’s not easy to choose a job, we should take into consideration our abilities, personal qualities and interests, moreover, it is necessary to know the demand for a particular career in the labour market. as for me, i am good at maths and chemistry. my friends think me to be easy-going, friendly, imaginative and creative, however, my teachers often complain that i am a bit lazy and absent-minded. i am interested in (learning) foreign languages. i believe knowledge of the english language will help me to make a career because english is the major language of communication in science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business, mass entertainment and international tourism. it is the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. it is also the main language of diplomacy, therefore, whatever sphere i will choose, knowledge of english will be extremely beneficial. when choosing a profession we can turn to our parents and friends for advice. our choice of a job can be influenced by pressure from our parents, i am lucky because my parents respect my opinion and ambitions. besides, there are occupational consultants who can help us to find the most suitable sphere of work with an opportunity to make a career and earn enough money to live a decent life. they can advise students to work in the medical, welfare or educational fields, in management, finance or science. some jobs are more attractive than others, for example, the job of a journalist is considered to be attractive because it is exciting and prestigious, it requires travelling a lot, meeting people and being punctual. i’d like to avoid monotonous, exhausting and messy jobs. the first step in planning a career is self-assessment. self-assessment means learning about our interests, values, goals, aptitudes and skills. there are education and guidance programmes preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and challenges of adult life. it is necessary to make use of information sources to learn about job placement. we can look for jobs at different places, we can be employed by the government or a private company and have a secure full-time job with a prospect of promotion and financial reward. i don’t mind working long hours on condition that i am well-paid for it (=working long hours), if i need money i might take an odd job from time to time. i am not adventurous, that is why i wouldn’t like to be freelance. i haven’t made up my mind yet what profession to choose, i am thinking about being a computer specialist but i might change

What students have to decide after finishing school?
Can they start to work immediately after finishing school?
Is it easy to choose a job?
Will our choice of a job be influenced by pressure of our parents?
What are the most attractive jobs?
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примеры сжатия текста

Памятка сокращения текста»

1) исключение второстепенной информации, подробностей, деталей;

1.При исключении необходимо сначала выделить главное с точки зрения основной мысли текста и детали (подробности), затем убрать детали, объединить существенное и составить новый текст.

- исключение отдельных слов, словосочетаний, фрагментов предложений,

- исключение одного или нескольких синонимов в ряду однородных членов,

- исключение вводных, уточняющих и поясняющих конструкций,

- исключение одного или нескольких предложений.

Упражнение№1. Прочитайте отрывок. Подчеркните в нем информацию, которую можно исключить. Сократите текст. Запишите сокращенный вариант.

Исходный текст.

Проходя мимо куста черемухи, где свищет и щелкает соловей, мы с замиранием сердца думаем, понимающим толк в музыке, предназначен этот сольный концерт. Нет его слушает скрытая серенькая подружка певца. Ее сердце, вероятно, сжимается от такой же как наша, радость.

Сокращенный вариант.

Проходя мимо куста черемухи, где свищет и соловей, мы думаем, что именно нам предназначен этот сольный концерт. Нет его слушает скрытая в молодых листьях серенькая подружка певца. Ее сердце, вероятно, сжимается от радости.

2.Обобщение частной информации, конкретных, единичных явлений;

Памятка «Обобщение».

Сокращать текс можно обобщением:

-заменить несколько слов общим понятием;

-заменить однородные члены обобщающим словом;

-заменить предложение или его часть местоимением с обобщающим значением.

4,6(75 оценок)

In both essay writing and public speaking our goal is to convey information clearly and concisely or even to convert the reader or listener to our way of thinking. To achieve these goals you should remember to connect your ideas so that your audience can easily follow them. In other words you should use linking words and phrases, or transitions.


Read the following two paragraphs. How are they different?

Paragraph 1

There are many causes of air pollution. There is the use of private cars. This can cause many breathing problems because of fumes. Other forms of transport cause air pollution, these are buses, boats and motorcycles. Factories produce gasses that go into the air causing pollution. These things make people's health suffer.  


Paragraph 2

To begin with, there are many causes of air pollution. Firstly, there is the use of private cars. This can cause many breathing problems because of fumes. Furthermore, other forms of transport cause air pollution, for example buses, boats and motorcycles. In addition, factories produce gasses that go into the air causing pollution. All in all, these things make people's health suffer.


This is an example of how using linking words and phrases can improve the quality of your speech. Note how the ideas flow more smoothly, and the logical relationships between the ideas are expressed clearer in the second paragraph.Most pieces of formal writing and presentations are organised in a similar way: introduction, development of main ideas or arguments, and conclusion. Linking words and phrases act like bridges between parts of your writing. They join each part together as well as sentences and paragraphs within each part or even two ideas within one sentence. Transitions are not just verbal techniques that decorate your paper or speech by making them sound or read better. They are words with particular meanings that tell the reader (listener) to think and react in a particular way to your ideas.

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