Первые школы на Руси
988 год — это время крещения Руси и зарождения школьного образования.
Князь Владимир Святославович издаёт указ: дети бояр должны учиться книжному делу. Так появилась школа под названием «Книжное учение». Там учеников делили на небольшие группы, и в каждой был свой учитель грамоты и чтения.
Впоследствии первые учебные заведения открылись при монастырях в Киеве, Новгороде, Смоленске, Суздале и Курске. Учителями были монахи, а программу утверждал сам князь Владимир.
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in France on April 15, 1990. At school in England, she took the lead role in several plays including Arthur: The Young Years and The Happy Prince. Besides plays, Emma participated in other school activities including the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition, in which she won first place at age seven. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) was her debut into the world of professional acting. Competing against many other girls for the role of Hermione Granger, she didn't expect to get the part. Away from the cinematic world, Emma enjoys playing hockey most of all and she also likes debating. Although her hair is brown in the movie, she's naturally a blonde. She once dressed up as a witch for Halloween, but she had no idea that years later, she would be playing one in the Harry Potter movie. Her lawyers parents, Jacqueline and Chris, are divorced. Emma lives with her mother and younger stepbrothers Alex and ???Her favorite celebrities are Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn, John Cleese and Sandra Bullock.