Я дуже люблю подорожувати. Це так цікаво відвідувати цікаві місця,парки алеї. Відвідуючи міста я ніби поринаю в його історію,традиції. Відвідавши якесь місто чи країну завжди купую якийсь сувенір наприклад магнід чи чашку. Подоружувати це так цікаво адже ти дізнаєшся більше цікавого про світ. А токож у таких країнах як США ,Італія можна зустріти відомих і дуже популярниш людей яких знаються всі і повсюду.
I love to travel. It is so interesting to visit interesting places, parks rides. Visiting a city like I plunge into its history and traditions. Visiting a city or country always buy some souvenirs such mahnid or cup. Podoruzhuvaty is so interesting because you learn more interesting things about the world. A ain in countries such as USA, Italy can meet famous and popular people are very familiar with everything and everywhere.
Van Tsarevich - one of the main characters of Russian folklore. As a fairy tale character, he appeared in the late XVIII-early XIX century. Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales in two different guises: positive character, struggling with evil, which helps an injured or weak. Very often in the early tales Ivan Tsarevich poor, lost parents, pursued by enemies, is not aware of his royal ancestry. In such tales as a reward for heroic behavior and good works, Prince Ivan gets back his kingdom, the throne, or finds his royal parents. But even if it was originally the prince, in the end of the story, he usually gets kind of prize in the form of another half a kingdom, the royal or king's daughter, magic or an expensive horse, precious or magical objects, or even further mind or magical abilities.
I drink tea
he read it yesterday
they travelled by plane
im playing football
he is doing his homework
I have done
he has worked