С детства мама это самый лучший друг. Нет лучше человека, чем мама. У каждого мамы разные, но все любимые. Мама любит тебя таким как есть. Надо любить и ценить своих мам. Потому что мама всегда трулятся и стараются только для нас. Мама это первое слово многих детей. У казахов есть такая пословица"нет вкуснее маминого молока". В глазах у детей мама самый лучший и надёжный человек,ведь она всегда выслушает тебя и тебе. Любите и цените своих мам, вы и есть самый лучший подарок для своих мам.
Childhood mom is the best friend. There's no better person than a mom. Every mom is different, but everyone is loved. Mom loves you the way you are. You have to love and appreciate your moms. Because mom is always fighting and trying only for us. Mom is the first word of many children. Kazakhs have such a proverb "no tastier than mother's milk." In the eyes of children, mom is the best and most reliable person, because she will always listen to you and help you. Love and appreciate your moms, you are the best gift for their mothers.
Бала кезінен менің ата-анам ең жақсы дос. Әкесінен гөрі жақсы адам жоқ. Әр әкесін әр түрлі, бірақ бәрі де сүйікті. Әкесін сені сүйеді. Сен ішіңді сүйіп, бағалай білукерек. Себебі әкесін әрдайым күресіп, тек біз үшін ғана сынап көреді. Әкесін көп баланың алғашқы сөзі деп те атанады. Қазақтар да мұндай мақал «ана сүтіне қарағанда тасье жоқ». Балалардың көзімен әкесін ең жақсы және ең сенімді адам деп таныды, өйткені ол сізді әрдайым тыңдап, сізге көмектеседі. Өз аналарыңызға деген сүйіспеншілік пен баға, сіздер – аналарыңыз үшін ең жақсы сыйлық
Сделал на трёх языках, только на казахском надо заменить әке на ана
1 Bread is eaten every day
2 Books are taken in the library
3 Many houses are built in our city every year
4 Many interesting games are always played at our PE lessons
5 Hockey is played in winter
6 Mushrooms are gathered in autumn
7 Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets
8 Coffee is grown in Brazil
9 Letters and parcels are delivered by postmen in the afternoon every day
10 Chinese is spoken in Singapore
1 I show-I am showed
2 She brings-She is brought
3 We ask-We are asked
4 Friends answer- Friends are answered
5 Postmen send- Letters are sent
6 They give- They are given
7 A teacher helps-A pupil is helped
8 Rich people advise-Poor people are advised
9 He forgets-he is forgotten
10 A photographer remembers- His works are remembered
11 We invite- We are invited
12 An editor corrects-Writers are corrected
13 A vet treats- Animals are treated
14 He calls-He is called
15 People protect-Nature is protected
1 The stone circles are surrounded by a fence
2 Stonehenge is visited by many tourists every year
3 The mystery of different ancient buildings is solved by archaeologists
4 The stones are studied by scientists
5 Stones are transported by thousands of people to the sites
6 All the stones aren't damaged by visitors
7 Reports are written by the pupils every week