The tradition of carving faces out of pumpkins has a long history. And according to one version dates back to the Irish legend of stingy Jack, who managed twice to cheat the Devil and for this he received from him a promise not to encroach on his body. Greedy Smith-boozer, Jack suggested as the ruler of the underworld miss him a couple of drinks in the tavern. When it came time to pay, the enterprising Irishman asked the Devil to turn a coin. Then Jack, without further ADO, quickly put it in his pocket, which was the silver cross. The devil was trapped – "Christ's bosom". And try as he might, he could not accept the initial appearance. In the end, the Devil had obtained his release, promising in return a year not to build Jack's machinations, and after his death to claim his soul. The second time the wily Smith was duped gullible to Satan, asking him to climb a tree for fruit. As soon as the Unclean perched on a spreading crown, Jack scratched at the trunk of the cross. So, he bought himself another ten years of carefree life .To benefit from privileges boozer Jack could not, because in a short time died. After the death of the sinner was not allowed into heaven. Neither God nor the Devil, Jack was not needed. Restless Irishman in anticipation of the day of judgment was forced to wander the Earth, lighting his way with a piece of coal that he finally quit the evil one. Jack put the smoldering spark in an empty turnip and began his journey. Hence the name lantern - Jack-o-lantern, short for Jack of the Lantern.
The merger took place after the Irish Rebellion of 1798 and the crisis associated with mental ill-health of King George III of, because of what the kingdom could theoretically assign different regents. The Union has been issued in the form of the Act of Union, passed the Parliament of Ireland and the UK Parliament.
The UK government has awarded titles, land and money for the Irish parliamentarians to encourage their support for unification, because before they were against the union. Some estimate that as compensation for the loss of status, the seats in parliament (many of whom were "rotten boroughs"). Outside the Irish parliament majority, especially historians consider it bribery.
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