To start with, I follow the fashion, and I like to dress well. But beautiful clothes aren't always comfortable. Of course, I feel more comfortable in sports suit and sneakers, but such clothes are possible if I'm going to play football with my friends or to help my parents in the garden.
At school I would like to wear jeans, t-shirts and sports jackets, but in our school we must wear only a uniform: suit and shirt. Outwardly, it looks very nice, but it's very inconvenient.
I love short sports jackets and suit bothers me a bit. I often go to clubs or in the movies with my friends, and I always choose what to wear. Usually, I stay on black or blue jeans, a light shirt and a denim jacket the same color of jeans. I rarely wear a hat, but if I wear, it's baseball cap the same color of the jacket.
They say that all ladies pay a lot of attention to their clothes, but I think that men also have to look good and dress tastefully.
"Стоп, маленький Колобок," сказав молотник(або молотарка). "Ми хочемо, з'їсти тебе."
Маленький колобок Робін засміявся і сказав: "Я втік від маленької бабусі, і діда, корови, коня, і я можу втекти від вас,я можу"
У міру того як молотник побіг за ним, він озирнувся і кричить: "Біжи,біжи так само швидко,як ви можете,ви не можете зловити мене,я є Колобок"
І молотник не міг його впіймати. Маленький Колобок побіг,поки він не прийшов в поле косарки. "Стоп,Колобок," сказала косарка. Ми хочемо з'їсти тебе".
Маленький Колобок Робін засміявся і сказав: "Я втік від маленької бабусі, і діда, корови, коня,сарая, повного молотарки, і я можу втекти від вас, я можу"