1 spectacular streets 2 cable car 3 steep cliffs 4 sandy beaches 5. breeding season 6. fairytale mansion
где текст? Скорее всего в тексте эти словосочетания используются!
может быть и spectacular mansion и fairytale manson (потрясающий особняк или игрушечный замок, зависит от контекста! Нужен текст!
1. All the pupils were sitting at their desks, when the teacher came into the classroom.
2. Jane was walking in the park last Sunday when she met Chris.
3. I am leaving the house when it began raining yesterday.
4. We were at home and we were listening to music while Arnold was speaking on the phone.
5. When I was walking my dog, it began snowing.
6. While my sister was making tea, I was washing my cups.
7. We were driving in the car when we heard that noise.
8. The children were fed their cat when a big dog ran into the garden.
The Egyptian Science and Engineering Olympiad is a national science and engineering fair and Olympiad for schools. The Program focuses on improving teachers and students’ skills and experience in Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) fields in Egypt.
Teachers and Students in schools will participate in training programs to prepare them to have their own school science and engineering fair and Olympiad and then qualify the winners to the city fair and Olympiad. Top winners from each city will compete at the National Science and Engineering Fair and Olympiad.
2 cable car (канатная дорога)
3 spectacular cliffs (живописные скалы)
4 sandy beaches (песчаные пляжи)
5 breeding season (сезон размножения)
6 fairytale mansion (сказочный особняк)
There are very steep streets in San Francisco.
Don't miss the cable car journey in San Francisco.
There are amasing spectacular cliffs near "Big Sur" coastline.
You'll never forget your enjoyable holiday on the sandy beaches near "Big Sur" coastline.
Elephats' breeding season at Piedras Blancas attracts a lot of tourists every year.
Hearst Castle is a fairytale mansion with a huge number of luxurious rooms and beautiful sights.