2. sports shop (3 столбик справа)
3. baker's (6 ряд снизу)
4. optician (4 столбик справа)
5. music shop (7 ряд снизу)
6. supermarket (1 столбик слева)
7. clothes shop (2 столбик справа)
8. на рисунке не вижу, но похоже на деньги. Значит это bank (3 ряд снизу)
'I'm getting used to eating sushi, but I can't get used to using chop-sticks!'
In the past we have looked at used to for past habits: 'I used to play tennis, but now I don't'.
get used to...Today we look at a very different meaning for the phrase 'be used to'.
'be used to means 'become familiar with'. For example, imagine that you have recently moved to, let's say, Japan. Because Japan is so different from your home country, you felt a little uncomfortable being there. Everything was new and strange. Then after a while, you started to feel more at home in Japan. You can use this expression:
1) Book shop.
2) Sports shop.
3) Chemist's.
4) optic.
5) Music shop.
6) Supermarket.
7) Clothes shop.
8) bank.
9) bakery.
10) newsagents.