profession nanny
this profession can rightly be considered one of the oldest, and the work of a nanny is similar to the work of a teacher. the nanny teaches, monitors the daily routine and nutrition, is responsible for the moral, mental and physical health of his ward.
consider the main types of nannies:
• daytime, working with children from morning to evening. she takes the child to school, groups, takes him out of class, deals with him, can cook food. if such a nanny is invited to a preschooler, then her duties include walking for hours, organizing proper nutrition, developing games and activities;
• night, which will be with the child from 8 pm until the morning. such a babysitter can be invited for the whole night or for a few hours;
• a nanny living in an employer's apartment provides round-the-clock child care;
• a housekeeper who combines childcare with housekeeping.
we can single out a seasonal nanny who works with the child during the holidays, and an evening babe who will pick up the child from school, staying with him until her parents return from work. a separate category is to include nurse guards, who in addition to education are responsible for ensuring the security of their ward.
Everyone agrees that Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was one of the greatest of all painters. His painting "The Last Supper" is probably the. most famous painting in the world. But Leonardo would be famous if he had never painted a stroke. For he was also a great inventor. He invented the wheelbarrow, the military tank, and roller bearings. He made plans for dozens of weapons and machines. He even experimented with airplane and submarine modes.
Besides, Leonardo was great as a scientist and engineer. He was also a poet, a musician, and a sculptor. Perhaps no other person in history has ever learned so much in a lifetime. Certainly no one ever deserved more to be called a genius.
Leonardo was born in the village of Vinci in Italy. As a small boy he lived most of the time with his fathers parents. Leonardo was a beautiful boy, with curly hair and bright blue eyes.
When his father found out that the boy was interested in painting, he sent him to an excellent painter and teacher. One day Leonardo painted a beautiful angel in one of his teacher's pictures. "You are a greater painter than Г, said the teacher, "I will paint no more"
In a few years Leonardo's father decided that he would pay no more to the teacher. His son, he thought, was spending too much time studying rocks and plants, watching birds to find out how their bodies work, and building models of machines. But Leonardo stayed on as his teachers helper. He stayed till he was nearly 25. Then he set out to paint for himself, first in Florence, then in Milan and Venice, and at the end of his life in France. Никто не станет спорить, что Леонардо да Винчи (1452-1519) — один из величайших художников. Его «Тайная вечеря» — одна из самых известных картин в мире. Но Леонардо стал бы знаменитым, даже если бы ничего не нарисовал. Ведь он был и великим изобретателем. Он изобрел ручную тележку, военный танк и роликовые подшипники. Он спроектировал многие виды оружия и механизмов. Он также проводил эксперименты с моделями аэропланов и подводных лодок.
Кроме того, Леонардо был великим ученым и конструктором. А еще он был поэтом, музыкантом и скульптором. Наверно, больше никому в истории человечества не удавалось научиться стольким вещам за свою жизнь. Конечно же, Леонардо да Винчи можно по праву назвать гением.
Леонардо родился в селении Винчи в Италии. Большую часть своего детства он провел с родителями отца. Леонардо был красивым мальчиком с кудрявыми волосами и голубыми глазами.
Когда его отец заметил, что мальчик интересуется рисованием, он отправил его к замечательному художнику и учителю. Однажды Леонардо нарисовал прекрасного ангела на картине своего учителя. «Ты — более великий художник, чем я, — сказал учитель, — я не буду больше рисовать».
Спустя какое-то время отец Леонардо решил, что не будет больше платить учителю. Он считал, что его сын проводит слишком много времени, изучая камни и растения, наблюдая за птицами, пытаясь выяснить, как устроено их тело, и создавая модели механизмов. Но Леонардо остался у учителя в качестве Он оставался с ними почти до 25 лет. Потом он начал рисовать самостоятельно, сначала во Флоренции, потом в Милане и Венеции, а в конце своей жизни — во Франции.