I really liked this summer. My mom and my dad were presented with trips around the world. Also went my brother and my cousin. We went to the sea, swimming there, swimming, sunbathing. We went to various shops, cafes and restaurants. We flew to different countries by plane. They always remained cheerful and in a good mood. I want the next summer to be just as memorable.
Это лето мне очень понравилось. Мои путешествия по кругу. Также поехали мой брат и мой двоюродный брат. Мы ездили на море, там купались, плавали, загорали. Ходили в разные магазины, кафе и рестораны. Мы летали на самолёте. Оставались всегда весёлыми и в хорошем настроении. Это было такое же незабываемое.
There are different culture.For example: bikes, pioneers, Goths, and etc.some of them are aggressive, such as bikers and goths.
And now let me tell you about the pioneering subculture.My mother name is Lena- 38 years old, my father is Janya-40 years.During the youth of my parents, were such subcultures: hippies, goths,pioneers.My mother was pioneer.She told that Pioneer had required to wear a red tie. It was a shame to come to school without a tie a crumpled and hastily tied. First, with the arrival of the child's school to take Octobrists.Then the student proudly wore on his chest a star with kinky boy.And how many useful things were organized by pioneers: the collectionof waste paper, how many grandmothers transferred across the road, different games in his spare time, went to different cities on trips .There are many subculters.If I would have a chance, I chose a sub-culture as pioneers, they make a lot of good things!
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