Бетховен -ключевая фигура классической музыки в период между классицизмом и романтизмом, один из наиболее исполняемых композиторов в мире. Он писал во всех существовавших в его время жанрах, включая оперу, музыку к драматическим спектаклям, хоровые. сочинения. Самым значительным в его наследии считаются инструментальные произведения: фортепианные, скрипичные и виолончельные сонаты,концерты для фортепиано, для скрипки, квартеры , увертюры, симфонии. Творчество Бетховена оказало значительное воздействие на симфонизм XIX и XX веков.
Великий немецкий композитор, дирижер и пианист. Его считают ключевой фигурой западной музыки в период между классицизмом и романтизмом. В 8 лет дал первый концерт. Мастер сонат, хотя писал во всех существовавших в его время жанрах, включая оперу, балет, хоровые сочинения.
1.A new car was bought by my friend. 2.Photoes are always taken at our parties by Frank. 3.He will be arrested sooner or later by the police. 4. Three tickets have been just given to me by them. 5.Her relatives were shown the new house . 6. Shoes are made in that factory. 7.The house was destroyed by the storm. 8.The car will be repaired by James. 9. The gramophone was invented by Edison. 10. Some pocket money are given to me by my parents. 11. The story will be translated into Spanish by her. 12.The poem was learned by Alex. 13.Was the thief caught by the police officer? 14. Public transport will be needed by people. 15. They were given a discount by the manager.
Dear Jane Thanks for your letter. We have a real winter now. I think it is strange for you, because in your country you have never seen snow. As for Russia, It is much snow everywhere even in our town everything is covered with snow: houses. trees. roads. It s great to ski and skate. We like to sledge and play snowballs. It is very funny! Sometimes we have to stay home because the weather is very cold and frosty. Last year we did not go to school 4days as it was about 30 degrees below zero! Now it is about 10 below zero and sunny.lt is a very good time to spend outdoors with my friends. We ve made several snowmen and snow women today. They are vey nice and funny! The days are shotr and it gets dark at 5 o clock.I think you swim and sunbathe. Next week we'll go toThailand to have much sun and sea! Write me. please. I ll be very glad to see you in Russia and show you our winter nature. I am sure you ll like it!