My role model is Evgenia Medvedeva, a famous Russian figure skater.
She was born on 19 November 1999 in Moscow, Russia, and now she lives in Canada still representing Russia. People often call her Zhenya because they love her and because she is young, she is 20 years old.
Zhenya has won a lot of medals — she is a two-time Olympic silver medalist, a two-time world champion and a two-time European champion. She is one of the most famous athletes in the world. Evgenia has lots of fans all over the world. In America they sometimes call her Janny and for the Japanese she is "Medo-chan". People like Zhenya because she is very artistic and full of life and energy. She has a great sense of humour. She likes to watch animes and listen to K-pop, and so do I. Zhenya and I have the same hobby which is drawing.
I admire Evgenia's strength of mind, dedication and ability to work hard. I like her life motto, which is "Never give up", and I think Evgenia is a great motivator!
_здесь перевод___
Мой образец для подражания - Евгения Медведева, известная российская фигуристка.
Она родилась 19 ноября 1999 года в Москве (Россия), а теперь она живет в Канаде, по-прежнему представляя Россию. Люди часто называют ее Женей, потому что любят ее и потому что она молода, ей 20 лет.
Женя завоевала много медалей - она двукратный серебряный призер Олимпийских игр, двукратная чемпионка мира и двукратная чемпионка Европы. Она является одним из самых известных спортсменов в мире. У Евгении много поклонников по всему миру. В Америке ее иногда называют Дженни, а для японцев она «Медо-чан». Людям нравится Женя, потому что она очень артистична, полна жизни и энергии. У нее отличное чувство юмора. Она любит смотреть аниме и слушать K-pop, и я тоже. У нас с Женей одинаковое увлечение —рисование.
Я восхищаюсь Жениной силой духа, самоотдачей и работать. Мне нравится ее жизненный девиз «Никогда не сдавайся», и я думаю, что Евгения - отличный мотиватор!
Watch-часы ( to watch - смотреть)
big wine большое вино
bed кровать
bank dining room
horrible ужасный
husband муж
ice-cream мороженое
kitchen table кухонный стол
listen слушать
nurse медсестра
old старый
parents родители
play играть
post office почта
railway station железнодорожная станция
Sunday воскресенье
tea чай
teacher учитель
Thursday четверг
bathroom ванная комната
Wednesday среда
businessman бизнесмэн
Food & drink еда и напитки
Jobs работы
Rooms комнаты
Places места
Family семья
Days of the week дни недели
Furniture мебель
Verbs глаголы
Adjectives прилагательные
Сортировка слво на подгруппы
Currently, according to the official information[2] the city has 24 theater (actually about 40), many of them known not only in Russia but also abroad.
Favorable influence on the theatrical life of the city had evacuated to Sverdlovsk during the war years, the Moscow art theatre and Central theater of the Soviet Army[3], and the presence of a private theatre Institute.
The Yekaterinburg state academic Opera and ballet theatre — one of the oldest Opera theatres of Russia, the first season opened in 1912; at various times worked here prominent artists who later became famous singers of the Bolshoi theatre, such as Sergei Lemeshev, Ivan Kozlovsky, Irina Arkhipova. Twice awarded the state prize of the USSR[4].Sverdlovsk state academic musical Comedy theatre is one of the most popular theatres in the city, founded in 1933, in 1986 she received the academic rank. Awarded the Order of labor red banner (1983), 9-time winner of the national theatrical award "the gold mask".Sverdlovsk state academic drama theatre — one of the largest theaters in the city, founded in 1930, in a modern building since 1990. Since 1977 has a status of academic[5].Ekaterinburg municipal theatre of young spectators was founded in 1930, currently in repertoire of theatre performances for all age groups, the theatre successfully toured in many countries[6].Yekaterinburg municipal puppet theater was founded in 1932, and since 1964 has a stationary room. Every two years the theatre hosts an international puppet theatre festival[7].Ural state variety theater — founded in 1996 by the decree of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region E. E. Rosell is the only theatre in such area outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.Chamber theatre United Museum of writers of Ural — opened in a modern building in the literary quarter in 1998 for the 275th anniversary of Ekaterinburg. Unique acoustically the auditorium for 157 seats in the shape of the amphitheatre[8].Municipal theatre of ballet "the Nutcracker" — children's ballet theatre, since 2008 podrazdelyaetsya in the new building, built on the site of the former cinema "Mir".Educational theatre of Ekaterinburg state theatre Institute is a unique educational theatre, located in a separate building in the city centre, from October to may is the performances of students of the Institute[9].Kolyada theatre — private theatre, the artistic Director and the Director who is known dramaturgically carols.Theatrical centre "Volhonka" — founded in 1986, the troupe is composed entirely of pupils of Ural theatre school.Small drama theatre "Teatron" — founded in 1987, winner of the Grand Prix of the International festival "Young theatres of Russia" in 2002[10].Theatre Sharmanka — private theater Director and the Director who yavlyaetsyato Larissa.National drama theatre. G. E. Garova - people's theatre, founded in 1917. In March 2000 the theater was awarded the title "national drama theatre named after people's artist of Russia Grigory. Efimovich Getova