1. Your experiment will give good results.
Твой эксперимент принесёт хорошие результаты.
Your experiment won't give good results.
Will your experiment give good results?
2. The economy of a country is influenced by transport and communication.
На экономику страны влияют транспорт и связь.
The economy of a coutnry isn't influenced by transport and communication.
3. The building of the world's longest Trans-Siberian Railway began in 1891.
Самую длинную Транссибирскую магистраль начали строить в 1891-м году.
The building of the world's longest Trans-Siberian Railway didn't begin in 1891.
Did the building of the world's longest Trans-Siberian Railway begin in 1891?
4. Our scientists and engineers have succeeded in designing a new type of escalator.
Наши учёные и инженеры преуспели в разработке нового вида эскалатора.
Our scientists and engineers haven't succeeded in designing a new type of escalator.
Have our scientists and engineers succeeded in designing a new type of escalator?
ответ снизу
( It's certainly not the kind of short break for
someone looking for a busy nightlife) but if you want to relax in
the middle of stunning landscape I would certainly recommend a
holiday to the Lake District.
because:I went (on my own )and had a wonderful time.
it can be like going alone. going on my own
because: I decided to go out of season in the autumn.( The
weather was fantastic )and the shops were full of local crafts.
because: I stayed in a youth hostel and (met some nice people )
District in the UK. It is a very popular holiday destination in the
(north of England.)
Но если вопрос заканчивается как "Сколько дней у Юры длились каникулы", то он 100% с подвохом, каникулы-то 3 месяца, а это 92 дня =)
Или в другом прикол) Свободной беззаботной жизни у него было 92-85=7 дней) )
Ровно неделю ему не мешали ни бабушка, ни надзиратели турбазы) ) ХДД