1. In our living room there are four chairs and a table. We have breakfast there every morning.
2. In our class we have students from Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia but there are no students from France.
3. In our school, every Friday there is a 'Conversation Club' in the afternoon after lunch.
4. On Wednesday morning there were two students absent from our class.
5. Please look in the teachers' room. Are there any teachers in the teachers' room right now?
6. I don't like the garden in winter time.There aren't any flowers. The only colour is green.
7. Excuse me. Is there a student called Andreas in this class?
8. When I was at school there weren't any computers. But now every school has many computers.
9. This morning there is water on the ground everywhere. I think there was a lot of rain last night.
10. I can't have a cup of coffee this morning. There's no black coffee in the coffee machine and I don't like coffee with milk.
11. Why are there empty beer cans and wine bottles in the classroom this morning? Did somebody have a party in here yesterday?
12. Are there any students in the school from Switzerland? Yes, there are one in class G and two in class A.
2. These lines are taken from one H.G. Wells' best novels. The title of this novel is "__The__First Men in __The__Moon". Read __the__novel and you will find it to be one of _the__most interesting stories you ever read.
3. Was there __a___forest near village you lived in last year? Yes, there was__a__very good forest there. There were___ oaks, ___pines and firs in__the_forest.