1.сколько человек живет в Гр. Бр.?
2.сколько людей живет в Англии?
3.сколько людей живет в Уэльсе?
4.сколько людей живет в Шотландии?
5.сколько людей живет на Севере
6.сколько людей живет в Лондоне?
7.кто является главой государства?
8.в каком городе родился
9.где находится Озерный край?
10.где живет премьер-министр?
11.какой город является главным портом?
12.сколько национальных парков существует в России?
13.что такое Стоунхендж?
14.чем знаменит Оксфорд?
15.сколько процентов земель составляют
1 I haven't visited the Taj Mahal in
India, but I have studied its history at
2 My mum has cooked snails, but I haven't eaten them.
3 He has seen most of the Harry
Potter films, but he hasn't watched the last one.
4 Banu and Yerlan have learned /learnt some Japanese, but they haven't spoken to any Japanese people.
5 Gani hasn't touched any big
spiders, but he has read a lot of
books about them.
6 We have written some new songs,
but we haven't played them at a
7. I have won a skiing competition,
but I haven't done any snowboarding.
I began to study English in the fifth form and by now I have been learning this language for 7 years.
I like English; I think any foreign language helps to understand your own language.
The English language is one of the most important languages in the modern world; more than one billion people can speak or understand this language.
This language is the official language in such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the South-African Republic, India and many African countries.
English is one of the five official languages of the United Nations Organization.
English is the language of the great English literature.
It is the language of Shakespeare, Byron and Charles Dickens.
From the early childhood we enjoy the books by English writers — who does not know Winnie-the Pooh, Sherlock Holmes or Robinson Crusoe!
But the English language is also the language of science — most of scientific magazines in the world are published in English. It is impossible to be a good scientist without knowing this language. That is why I pay much attention to English and I hope that in the future I shall know this language well.