I live on the very edge of Siberia in Omsk, it is very cold here in winter and very hot in summer. The climate here is sharply continental.
Abrupt changes in weather, sharp winds are constantly observed, but last summer a huge spherical monument, which stands on the embankment, was demolished from a hurricane, and there was significant destruction in the city.
Our city has a lot of interesting things, and if you come, I can show a lot. In the very heart, in the center of the city, there is a fire tower, at the top of which a monument to the fireman stands day and night. On the main street of Lenin, and earlier it was called Lyubinsky Avenue, a monument to a girl named Lyuba sits on the street both in winter and in summer.
She is very beautiful and all tourists always take pictures with her, because this is one of the main attractions.
Also in Omsk there are many museums, theaters and parks. One of my favorite and largest: Victory Park. In spring this is one of the most charming places in the city, because white and black swans fly to the Irtysh, which is, however, strange, given our climate.
We have a beautiful city, probably one of the primordially beautiful cities in Russia, once upon a time Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky himself lived here, like the Decembrists with their wives. Soon Omsk will be 300 years old and the celebration will be grandiose! I'll be waiting for you. Bye. Olya.
The history of the city of Ivanovo
The first settlement was mentioned in the ancient books in 1561. According to historians the village was donated by Ivan the Terrible to the relatives of his second wife, princes Cherkasy, people from the North Caucasus. It is believed that in the village there was a Church or chapel in the name of John the Baptist. So the village got the name Ivan. According to another version, the village was named after its founder or perogies Ivan.
The city was founded in 1871 by the merger of the village of Ivanovo with Voznesensky Posad. And until 1932 was called Ivanovo-Voznesensk.
As many of you know this is the city of brides.
Ivanovo, centre light industry, became known as the "city of brides", as the manufacturing and processing of fabrics worked great number of women. A certain role in promoting the expression played a song Andrei Mironov, "Well what we do not pair"made in the 1981 film "Honest, intelligent, unmarried". In each of its three verses are these lines:
Love all telling you again,
But when nothing saying you're tired,
And know that I will be leaving in Ivanovo
And Ivanovo - town brides.
But not only...
Ivanovo is a city with numerous symbols of the revolution. The birthplace of the First Council, the Third proletarian capital.
The revolution of 1905
The monument to the fighters of the revolution of 1905 Revolution square.
In the first decade of the twentieth century weavers and other workers were dissatisfied with their conditions of life and work, which has often led to the local strike of the proletariat. During the First Russian revolution in Ivanovo was formed by the city Council of workers ' deputies, which was the first in Russia (hence the name "city of the first Council").
In Ivanovo is the number of objects of cultural heritage. The town is primarily known architectural monuments of the epoch of constructivism: home "Ship" (1930), architect D. F. Friedman; the house of the "Horseshoe" (1934), architect A. I. Panov. Ivanovo is a city of bold architectural solutions!
In Ivanovo are nine universities, 7 branches of universities, 24 secondary special educational institutions and schools. Therefore, Ivanovo also known as the city of students. And since many studenty visitors not only from Russia but also in many other countries, Ivanovo city international friendship!
And of course textiles. Out of town family in which someone would not work on the production or the manufacture of textile products (she worked as a seamstress once). Ivanovo textile capital of Russia.
Famous countrymen of Ivanovo are Vyacheslav Zaitsev
Group "Disco Crash"
Andrei arsenyevich Tarkovsky, Soviet film Director and screenwriter. People's artist of the RSFSR. In memory of him in the town hosts the international film festival"Zerkalo"
In Ivanovo, there are three theatre (Ivanovo oblast drama theatre, the Ivanovo regional musical theater, the Ivanovo regional puppet theatre), three cinemas, as well as several museums (Ivanovo state historical Museum to them. D., (theatre), supermarket Museum of industry and art. Theatre), supermarket calico Museum of Ivanovo, Ivanovo regional art Museum, the Museum of the first Council.