1 long longer the longest
2 short shorter the shortest
3 hot hotter the hottest
4 cold colder the coldest
5 cool cooler the coolest
6 clever cleverer the clevest
7 stupid stupider the stupidest
8 fat fatter the fattest
9 warm warmer the warmest
10 funny funnier the funniest
11 sad sadder the saddest
12 small smaller the smallest
13 big bigger the biggest
14 tall taller the tallest
15 dark darker the darkest
16 clear clearer the clearest
17 low lower the lowest
18 strong stronger the strongest
19 weak weaker the weakest
20 hard harder the hardest
21 dirty dirtier the dirtiest
22 dry drier the driest
23 wide wider the widest
24 narrow narrower the narrowest
25 brave braver the bravest
26 happy happier the happiest
27 lazy lazier the laziest
28 difficult more difficult the most difficult
29 wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
30 comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable
31 beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
As a rule, these are nice people, friendly, but they can be gloomy, they do not really like when they are commanded. They are very intelligent, but at the same time surprisingly naive, they themselves can speak for hours, but they are also good listeners. These are active people, but rarely do something in a hurry. Are you sure that it was embarrassing? In this sign there is some kind of change of qualities that surprises even theirs.
The symbol of this sign is the golden scales, so their main goal is to achieve equilibrium in everything. As a result, they may be depressed, confused, irritable, although they usually make a full impression. Their normal state is a mood change. They have a smile on Venus that can melt you, it is very difficult for these people to stand up. They are often in a state of indecision when they have to make a decision. Their behavior may also be different: they can speak for too long, listen well, dissect quarreling, discuss.
This sign always strives for harmony. However, some Scales can be abused by food, alcohol, and love. This sign is also known as the "lazy scales", which means they can work a lot; painstakingly and persistently, and then suddenly fall apart in the chair and they begin the lazy period. This condition is just as natural for them, because they need to restore their forces and in such periods they are useless to persuade them to work. After recovering, they return to work.
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2) The trees are...brightgreen.The sun is hot in the ...clear...sky.
3) We see alotof flowers in the...flowerbeds..
4) Birds sing songs in the,,trees