• I jump – she jumps
• I go – he goes
• I watch – he watches
• I study – she studies
• I have – he has
• I fix – she fixes
• I kiss – she kisses
1. They live in Great Britain. Do they live..?/ They do not live..
2. He goes to school by bus. Does he go..?/ He does not go..
3. Dave wants to be a doctor. Does Dave want..?/ Dave does not want ..
4. Bob and Anna play tennis every Sunday. Do Bob and Anna play..?/ Bob and Anna do not play..
5. My parents work every day. Do my parents work..?/ My parents do not work..
6. My sister goes to bed at nine. Does my sister go..?/ My sister does not go..
7. Usually I have dinner very late. Do I usually have..?/ Usually I do not have..
8. My brother watches TV every evening. Does my brother watch..? My brother does not watch..
9. She likes classical music. Does she like..? She does not like..
10 . We are fond of reading books. Are we fond of..? We are not fond..
1.Если пить много воды,ты будешь чувствовать себя лучше.
2.Если ты будешь закаляться,ты будешь меньше болеть.
3.Если ты будешь слишком много сидеть за компьютером,ты посадишь зрение быстрей.
4.Если много курить,ты можешь ухудшить свое здоровье
Далее написано примеры с 88 страницы,я ее не вижу
2 if you mix blue and red,you get purple
3 When I don t sleep well,I feel tired
4 When people eat too much,they get fat
5 if you freeze water,it turn to ice
6 If you heat ice,it melt