Там в условии что-то напутано с нумерацией...
Make the sentences passive. Use by if necessary.
The first modern automobile was built in 1885 by Karl Benz.
3 The Mini has been manufactured in Oxford since 1994.
4 People is being encouraged to cycle in the city centre by the mayor.
5 Tourists will be flied into space in the near future by commercial spacecraft .
6 By the time we got to the airport, the flight had been cancelled.
7 The first Tour de France bike race was held in 1903 by the French.
8 Over 30,000 cars have been sold in the UK this year by Škoda .
9 Cyclists are being encouraged to wear safety helmets on the roads.
10 Six volunteers will be selected by NASA to take part in a simulated space trip to Mars.
11 The ticket office had been closed by the time we arrived at the station.
12 Decide if the sentences are correct or not. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect. 1 What language are these instructions write in? 13 How long ago was this motorway build? 14 You will be helped to put your bags in the overhead locker. 15 I’ve heard that this airline is more unreliable than some of the others. 16 World Car Free Day is hold on 22 September this year. 17 It is reported that this low-cost airline is unreliable. 18 Will the flight attendant help us with our bags at the check-in desk? 19 Weren’t these buildings construct last year?
3 Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns. 1 I haven’t been anywhere in my new car yet. 20 Someone called while you were out, but I don’t know who it was. 21 She was expecting her family to meet her at the airport, but nobody came. 22 There’s something important I must tell you before I leave.
Will online books replace printed books?
We live in the world that is being transformed under the influence of digital technologies. Books have also become available in digital form. We can choose whether to read traditional printed books, or purchase and read e-books, or read online books.
Online books differ from e-books, which are usually downloaded by users and read later on their computers, smartphones or on e-readers. Online books are only accessible while the reader is online. So in order to read an online book you need to have an Internet connection. That is the main disadvantage of this form of books. If you have no computer or smartphone and if there is no Internet connection, you cannot read. That is why I believe that printed books will never disappear. Besides, there will always be people who prefer physical, paper books to electronic versions.
Therefore, I think online books will not replace printed books, at least in the nearest future.
Заменят ли онлайн-книги печатные книги?
Мы живем в мире, который преобразуется под влиянием цифровых технологий. Книги тоже стали доступны в цифровом виде. Мы можем выбирать, читать ли традиционные печатные книги, или покупать и читать электронные книги, или же читать онлайн-книги.
Онлайн-книги отличаются от электронных книг, которые пользователи обычно загружают и потом читают на своих компьютерах, смартфонах или электронных "читалках". Онлайн-книги доступны только тогда, когда читатель находится "онлайн". Таким образом, чтобы почитать онлайн-книгу, нужно иметь подключение к Интернету. Это главный недостаток такой формы книг. Если у вас нет компьютера или смартфона и нет подключения к Интернету, вы не сможете читать. Вот почему я верю, что печатные книги никогда не исчезнут. Кроме того, всегда найдутся люди, которые предпочитают физические бумажные книги электронным версиям.
Поэтому, я думаю, онлайн-книги не заменят печатных, по крайней мере, в ближайшем будущем.