1 Astana is the capitalofKazakhstan 2 I started school...atthe age of seven 3 Nine yearsofclasses are compulsary 4 Our school year usually beginsonthe firstof...September
Башня была построена под руководством Пьетро-Антонио Solario в 1491 году, был прямоугольной формы и примерно половину ее нынешней высоты. В 16 веке она была снабжена часами и в 1625 русский зодчий Бажен огурцов построил восьмигранной многоярусной башни, которая сейчас преодолевает прямоугольной башни. Новые часы был построен на турель оснащена вращающимся лицо и карильон англичанин, Кристофер Холлоуэй. Колокола карильона отлил Кирилл Самойлов. В reigh Петра I часы были заменены. Часы мы видим сейчас, был установлен в 1851-52. Длина минутной стрелки на часах 3.28 метров. Башня 67.3 метра.
1. There are many interesting articles in this magazine. 2. There are a lot of museums and theatres in our city. 3. Is there a telephone in this room? 4. There are two windows in this room. 5. There was no tea in the cup. 6. How many articles were there in this magazine? - There were several articles there. 7. How many students are there in the classroom? - There are twenty. 8. There will be a park close to our house. 9. Was there a school on this street? 10. There are several books on the table. 11. There is a school near our house. The school is situated close to our house. 12. There are a number of theatres in the city. Theatres are situated in the city centre. 13. There were flowers in the vase. The flowers were in the vase. 14. There are a lot of children in the theatre. The children are in the theatre now. 15. There are a number of ways to solve this problem. The ways of this problem solving are on page 5.
2 I started school...atthe age of seven
3 Nine yearsofclasses are compulsary
4 Our school year usually beginsonthe firstof...September