1. Mother: I want to prepare dinner. Has you washed the dishes yet? 2. Daughter: I washed the dishes yesterday, but I haven't the time yet to do it today. 3. Mother: Has you already done your homework? 4. Daughter: No, I have come home from school just. 5. Mother: You came home from school two hours ago! 6. Daughter: Well, but my friend Lucy called when I have arrived and I have finished the phone call just. 7. Mother: Didn't you see Lucy at school in the morning? 8. Daughter: Yes, but we hadn't time to talk the
1. Why did Mary buy a new dress every day? - She wanted to meet a prince in a nice dress.
2. When did the prince come to the princess? - When Mary made a lovely dress herself.
Choose the correct sentences
2. Once Mary found a strange note on the table in her room.
4. The prince came to the palace and saw a beautiful princess. Order the sentences The princess bought and tried different dresses on. Once Mary decided to choose the best dress on a special day. Mary was surprised when she didn't see the new dress in the room. A fairy lady helped the princess to find her prince.He was happy to see princess Mary.
2. He's very thin
3. We live in high town
4. I got a low mark
5. My family so happy today
6. When I sad I always eat something