ответ:I have a lot of classmates and friends from school. Everyone has their own family: Everyone has a different family. But many are faced with family problems. This is what the story will be about today."Honor your mother and your father, and you will live long and be well, but if not, you will die," says the Bible. Some families are happy, some are dead. I think the reason is a misunderstanding of each other in the family.
And one more thing: teenagers can take on most of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood. However, before this happens, they go through a period of adolescence, and most of them experience conflicts during this time.
They change quickly, both physically and emotionally, and seek self-identification as they grow older and become more independent.
Sometimes teenagers develop interests and values that differ from those of their parents. This creates a conflict between the two generations, which leads to a gap in mutual understanding.
Our earth is incredibly beautiful. We have an amathinf nature and all types of climates all around the world. Sadly, most of the humans are ungreatfull, they treat the world in the worst way. We throw plastic bottles on the floor, some people throw sigarettes on the grass what can cause forest fires, the fuils and all kinds of other acidic and toxic liquids are being thrown out to the sea. The earth is slowly dying, we can help it survive by doing simple things. We should throw the trash into the trashcans, divide glass from plastic so later on those products could be recycled. Be tidier, plant trees for oxygen instead of killing them. Make the fabrics far away from the nature, appreciate the animals, stop being sadistic. Imagine over million sea turtles dying because you were to lazy to throw your drinking pipe into the bin. What i want to say in a conclusion, we should do the things we have to. Throwing trash on the flor ISNT'T normal, harminf the nature ISN'T normal.Lets save the world together.