Английский всем и в любом месте. Очень много стран говорят на английском языке. Английский язык учат как и для интереса, так и для поездки за границу. Английский, это прекрасный язык и прекрасное времяпровождение. Английский можно выучить, если ты хочешь этого, и стремишься к своей цели. Главное это вера в себя и внимательность.
English will help everyone and anywhere. A lot of countries speak English. English language is taught for interest, and for traveling abroad. English, it's a beautiful language and a wonderful pastime English can be learned if you want it, and strive for your goal. The main thing is faith in yourself and attentiveness.
Do you like to read? my favorite writer? can you say that you and your family love to read?I like to read . my favorite writer is Pushkin. He wrote many beautiful poems. in particular I like the poem: Poltava. Here is an excerpt. - Kochubei is rich and famous.Its meadows are immense;There the herds of his horsesThey graze freely, they are not safe.Around the Poltava hamletSurrounded by its gardens,And there is much good in him,Fur, satin, silverBoth in sight and under the locks.My family reads books not infrequently, proving the evening evenings near the fireplace at the dacha. воот )
2. Was
3. Did
4. Did