It's smaller than the usa , .. it ? it isn't vancouver , it ? cities in the usa are much bigger than that , they ? you've been there , you ? wow . you don't know much about canada at all , you ?
To Michael Douglas, (52) H) Technical Support Department From Harriet Winston, Marketing Department Subject Services Presentation Dear Michael, It was nice (53) __d - to meet you at the conference. As I told you I work (54) I-for OCTP. We are (55) _f - based in Warsaw, Poland, but we operate (56) a- across Europe. We specialize (57) c-in IT solutions for small companies. I would like (58) G-to arrange a time for a meeting for us to present to you some of our services. (59) _B - faithfully yours, (60) _E Harriet Winston
Dear Walter! In the first place, I will ask you: how are you? The weather in London is very sunny as usual, not? Oh, Walter! You can’t imagine, but I’ve give you a chance. Guess what? Today my big dream came true! Yeah, dear Walter, I’m really flying in the sky like a bird but in plane, sitting in comfortable armchair in it. So it was so exciting from the moment we started in Moscow and to the moment we landing at Novosibirsk. How beautiful views I saw from the window! The city, streets, cars beeing like a toys! But why I talking about cars, it’s nothing comared with this clouds... I really feeling like a bird, can you imagine? You must see them too, Your friend.
is it?
aren't they?
haven't you?
do you?