Rita: DO YOU LIKE (you / like) football, Tom?
Tom: I LOVE (I / love) it. I’m a United fan. I go (I / go) to all their games. Nick usu-ally COMES (come) with me. And WE TRAVEL (we / travel) to away games, too. Why DON'T YOU COME (you / not / come) to a match some time?
R.: I’m afraid football DOESN'T MAKE (not / make) sense to me – men running after a ball. Why DO YOU (you / take) it so seriously?
T.: It’s a wonderful game. I LOVE (I / love) it. United are my whole life.
R.: How much DOES IT (it / cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?
T.: A lot. I DON'T KNOW (I / not / know) exactly how much. But THAT DOESN'T MATTER (that / not / matter) to me. I DON'T WANT (I / not / want) to do anything else. THAT ANNOYS (that / annoy) you?
R.: No, IT DOESN'T ANNOY (it / not / annoy) me. I just FIND (find) it a bit sad.
2.14 Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous or the Present Simple:
1. IT IS SNOWING (it / snow) outside. IT IS COMING (it / come) down quite hard, look.
2. Normally I START (I / start) work at eight o’clock, but I'M STARTING (I / start) at seven this week. We’re very busy at the moment.
3. I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I AM GOING (I / go) to work on the bus this week. Usually I DRIVE (I / drive) to work.
4. The sun RISES (rise) in the east, remember. It’s behind us so WE ARE TRAVELLING (we / travel) west.
5. I’m afraid I have no time to help just now. I AM WRITING (I / write) a report. But I PROMISE (I / promise) I’ll give you some help later.
6. I WANT (I / want) a new car. I AM SAVING UP (I / save) up to buy one
2.15 At work Mark is talking to Alan in the corridor. Complete their conversation using the Present Continuous or the Present Simple:
M.: ARE YOU LOOKING (you / look) for someone?
A.: Yes, I NEED (I / need) to speak to Neil. He isn’t in his office.
M.: HE IS TALKING (he / talk) to the boss at the moment. I THINK (I / think) THEY ARE DISCUSSING (they / discuss) money.
A.: Oh, right. And what about you? ARE YOU LOOKING (you / look) for someone too?
M.: Yes, Linda. DO YOU KNOW (you / know) where she is?
A.: Oh, she isn’t here today. She only WORKS (work) four days a week. SHE DOES NOT WORK (she / not / work) on Fridays. She’ll be here on Monday.
M.: Thank you. YOU KNOW (you / know) a lot about Linda.
A.: Well, most days I GIVE (I / give) her a lift, or SHE GIVES (she / give) me one. SHE LIVES (she / live) quite close to me. IT SAVES (it / save) petrol.
M.: Yes, of cause. Good idea. Yes, I AGREE (I / agree). Well, I AM WASTING (I / waste) my time here then. I’ll get back to my computer.
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I go to art school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I go there for quite some time. about two years, and I really like it. Of course, these courses do not really help me, I do not draw very much. But the courses themselves are very interesting. We draw, play. An art school is the best you have ever come up with. You can make many good friends there. This is the best pastime! Still, there are many different amenities, regardless of what you are sick of, and whether you are sick at all. And it’s very good that if you don’t have time or the opportunity to go on a day when you have already agreed, you can go instead days on Saturday or Sunday. It’s very convenient for me, because something is constantly changing in my school, lessons can end earlier than they should, or later. And frankly, paying for it is not as expensive as it should be be. These drawing lessons are suitable even for poor people who find it difficult to make money. I love this art school, it is beautiful, it has everything you need!