You are going to give a talk about the most memorable travel of your life. you will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Отрицательные. 1. He doesnt(это вс глагол, который ставится, если в предложении есть слабый глагол) wash(слабый глагол) his in the morning. 2. He doesnt(это вс глагол, который ставится, если в предложении есть слабый глагол) ride(слабый глагол) his bike. 3. I dont(это вс глагол, который ставится, если в предложении есть слабый глагол) go(слабый глагол) to bed an nine oclock.
Общие вопросы. 1. When(вопросительное слово)does(вс глагол) he wash(слабый глагол) his? 2. What( воп.слов) does(вс гл) he ride(слаб гл) his? 3. When(воп.сл) do(вс гл) you go(слаб. гл) to bed?
Специальные вопросы. 1. Does he wash his im the morning? 2. Does he ride his bike? 3. Do i go to bed at nice oclock.
Месяца. 1. Janary is first month of the year. 2. Februaly is second month of the year 3. March is third month of the year. 4. April is fourth month of the year. 5. May is fifth month of the year. 6. June is sixth month of the year. 7. July is seventh month of the year. 8. August is eighthmonth of the year. 9. Septemberis is nicth month of the year. 10. October is tenth month of the year. 11. November is eleventh month of the year. 12. December is twelfth month of the year.
Как-то так. Ох и большое задание у тебя, если честно.
Ned: Hello,Jenny.Welcome to our programme. Jenny: Thank you.I'm happy to be here. Ned: What about your school Canada? Jenny: oh it's really nice. There are paints and paper on all desks there. Ned: Aren't there any exercise books or calculators? Jenny: no there aren't really. we've got pencils, of course, but we haven't got any computers or calculators. we like to paint and draw. Ned: Are there many boys in your class? Jenny: Yes there are 10 doys and 8 girls. we are very happy in our school Ned: Jenny, thank you bery much.