We went to a very nice restaurant last weekend.
I brush my teeth with a toothpaste.
I use a toothbrush to brush my teeth.
Can you tell me if there's a bank near here?
My brother works for an insurance company in Frankfurt.
I don't like a violence.
Can you smell a paint?
When we were in Rome, we stayed in a big hotel.
We need a petrol. I hope we come to a petrol station soon.
I wonder if you can help me. I have a problem.
I like your suggestion. It's a very interesting idea.
John has an interview for job tomorrow.
I like volleyball. It's a good game.
Lisa doesn't usually wear a jewellery.
Jane was wearing a beautiful necklace.
A. What are we doing tonight? (я не очень понял что надо было в Этом предложении делать._."")
B. We has dinner with Jack and Mary.
A. But we had dinner with them last week!
B. Yes, but they want to tell us some good news.
A. OH, OK then. Should I buy some champagne?
B. It's 8 o'clock! Where have you been?
A. l'm sorry. When I walked home I stopped to buy the champagne. And then I saw Mark in the shop...
B. Well, hurry up. We had been late!
A. It's OK. I already ordered a taxi and I'll be ready in five minutes.
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