Andrey sergeyevich arshavin was born on may 29, 1981 to leningrad (nowadays – st. petersburg). the love to football in arshavin since the childhood was brought up by the father. it was the quite good player therefore aspired and to see in the son similar attachment to game. andrey arshavin was fond also of drafts, even had on them the youthful category. andrey was engaged in the house of pioneers and school students of the vasileostrovsky area. his instructor convinced that professional game in drafts is that area where arshavin can reach considerable successes. but andrey arshavin chose other way – football
1) “We’ve definitely made mistakes, but it’s probably the first time in our lives that we’re not getting a grade and we don’t have anyone telling us what to do.” 2) Lehigh first tried what it calls its mountaintop program on a smaller scale last summer, combining elements that scholars of education have advocated for years — research, work experience and independent, long-form projects. 3) Some colleges have expanded those practices, but the going has been slow. 4) The annual National Survey of Student Engagement shows that by the time they graduate, fewer than half of college students have done internships or some other kind of field experience, fewer than half have done a senior thesis and just 23 percent have done research with a faculty member outside of what is required for their courses.
Present Continuous.
1) Most of the students here are pursuing their own projects — about 30 in all — and finding their own way, with little faculty input and with nothing more at stake than testing their own ambition, skills and curiosity. 2) “We got a group together and said what we wanted to do, and the administration just said, ‘O.K., ask for any equipment or advice you need,’ ” said Colleen Perry, who is studying bioengineering. 3) “We’ve definitely made mistakes, but it’s probably the first time in our lives that we’re not getting a grade and we don’t have anyone telling us what to do.” 4) So what Lehigh is trying, she said, “is pretty interesting.”
Present Perfect Continuous.
“We know that these are high-impact practices that we’ve been expanding, but we need to think about new models of how to promote them, because a faculty member can only take on so many students to mentor directly,” said Lynnette Overby, director of undergraduate research and experiential learning at the University of Delaware.
1.Шотландия является страной, которая имеет множество замков 2 Сэм журналист, который любит другим 3 Франк фотограф, чьи студия находится в центре города 4 Кения это место, где вы можете увидеть много львов 5 Мои Мать это человек, который пишет для Солнца
1: Я понятия не имел, что Павел овдовевшей B: К сожалению, его жена скончалась летом года. 2: родители Тома решил развестись B: Я знаю. Они были проблемы в течение некоторого времени теперь. 3: Есть ли жить в одиночестве ваша сестра? B: Нет, она живет со своим мужем. Она была замужем в течение двух лет. 4: Они были заняты в течение трех лет. B: Когда они планируют пожениться? 5: Алиса выглядит очень усталым. Неужели она никогда отдыхать? Б: Я очень сомневаюсь в этом. Она является единственным родителем и не имеет никакой ни от кого. 6: Когда мой дед получает на автобусе, люди всегда дают ему свое место. B: Это хорошо. Важно уважать пожилых людей