Задание 1.
1. Michael went to Washington last week to visit his parents. — Past Simple, т.к «last week» (на неделе).
2. My sister got married in Moscow in 2007. — Past Simple, т.к «in 2007» это событие, которое произошло в
3. Beethoven was a great composer. — Past Simple, т.к в данном предложении нет никакой связи с настоящим – описывается то, что было в
4. It hasn't rained this week. — Present Perfect, т.к «this week» (на этой неделе) имеет отношение к настоящему, это означает, что неделя еще не закончилась.
5. Have you seen Ann recently? — Present Perfect.
Задание 2.
1. Tom lost his key yesterday.
3. I have called him 3 times already.
4. We met with our friends last weekend.
7. The plane landed 20 minutes ago.
8. It is my first car. I have never driven a car before.
Задание 3.
1. I have never been to China.
2. They have known each other since childhood.
3. Jane left school in 2000.
4. Yesterday I went to the park.
5. He has just talked to his mother
lift. elevator
sweets. candy
ground floor. first floor