the steppe is the treasure of Kazakhstan. The temperature here drops to -35°C in winter and can reach up to 35°C in summer. In the Kazakh steppe there are many wild animals such as pikes and saiga antelope. Some animals are even threatened with extinction. The steppe is also a treasure trove of agricultural products. For example, milk, meat, and vegetables. The steppe also produces minerals such as zinc, coal and lead. The only ecological difficulty of the steppe is climate change. But all the same, all the charms of the steppe inspire Kazakhs to preserve it.
1. First of all, you need to find out the state of the interlocutor, is he ready to start a conversation?
2. Find neutral things that might be of interest to your interlocutor. anecdotes, horror stories, interesting stories.
3. Try to discuss with the interlocutor weekend plans, hobbies, grades and other things that he would like to share.
4. Start with questions. For example: how are you feeling? how are you? how was your weekend?
5. Try to avoid unpleasant topics for the interlocutor and concentrate on what will be interesting for him to listen to.
2. are used - pres simp
3. was reduced - past simp
1. Наш полет отложат из-за забастовки авиадиспетчеров.
2. Новые пластиковые и синтетические материалы широко используются для внутренней и наружной отделки автомобилей.
3. Грузооборот сократился из-за значительного увеличения стоимости перевозки.