Do you like lemons? Do you like tea? Do you like nuts? Do you like juice? Do you like ice cream? Do you like milk? Do you like pineapples? Do you like potatoes?
Your favourite food is rise soup, isn't it? What is your favourite food? Why do you like this food? Does your favourite food have meat? Can you cook this food? Your family don't like this food, do they? больше не могу придумать, сори
А это перевод Винигрет 100 г сливочного масла Соль Перец Орегано Бальзамический уксус Оливковое масло базилика листья Тимьян зеленый лук Испанский лук Лавровый лист После того как вы приготовили ваш свеклы можно делать повязки. Положите на довольно высокую основанные антипригарной сковороде на сильном огне . Растопите 100 г несоленого сливочного масла. Добавить немного соли и перца, 1 столовая ложка мелко нарезанного очень орегано и около 2 столовые ложки бальзамического уксуса, перемешать и оставить . В стеклянную емкость положить свежие листья базилика, свежего тимьяна, листьев свежего орегано, зеленым луком / лук-шалот, какой-нибудь испанский лук и лавровый лист. Затем добавьте немного масла, чтобы жить глянец листьев и с учетом всех вкусов, бросать и добавить свекла. Положите салат на тарелку, направленный от центра пластины и рабочих вверх. Возьмите соусом и ложкой его вокруг пластину, затем на салат. Положите немного оливкового масла на тарелке, чтобы дать салат два тона эффект, который делает салат выскочить на тебя. Подавать салат сразу же, как соус жарко. Если вы хотите сделать это блюдо, как entrée не в качестве гарнира можно крошить некоторых австралийских Фетта сверху и служить со
A. When Peter was a child, he had two drawing books. One of them was larger than the other. His elder brother bought the the largest one for him. Peter liked it better because the drawings in it were larger and simple. He drew something every day. Each newday his drawing was better than the one he had made the day before.The last page was much better than the first one.
B. After graduating from the institute Mike went to Siberia to asmall industrial town. It was difficult for him to begin his work asan engineer than he thought that it would be. He moved to a more important city than the first one. He was not successful there than before,however, and sometimes he was even unhappy. However, he was happy about one thing, he was becoming a more useful specialist.
С New York is the largest city in the US. Perhaps, with all itssuburbs (пригород), it is the largest city in the world. It is one of the most important industrial cities in the country. Some of the oldest and historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New YorkCity are the highest buildings in the whole world. New York City isnot only the largest city in the US; it is also the most important industrialcenter. Perhaps, the most expensive office buildings in the world are there. It has the greatest number of factories, the largest banksand post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the heaviest mail bags. It is truly the the most important business city.
Do you like tea?
Do you like nuts?
Do you like juice?
Do you like ice cream?
Do you like milk?
Do you like pineapples?
Do you like potatoes?