-Hi, John! -Hello,Kevin! How are you doing? I haven't seen you for ages! -I'm OK. And you? - Me too! Nice weather, isn't it? -Yes. We're going to have a picnic with Anna and her friend. Would you like to join us? - With pleasure!- so, I'm going to bring some bread and cheese. The girls are bringing vegetables and fruit. - What should I bring? Maybe some beverages? - Great idea! And some sausages would be nice! - What are we going to do there? - I think we can play badminton. By the way, have you got a racquet? Mine is broken. - I'm not sure. Shall I take a ball instead? - Ok. So, let's meet in an hour on the bus stop at Green Street. -I must run then. See you. I'm sure it'll be a great picnic!
1)My favorite food are salad and shashlik. They are very delicious. Salad is healthy for my body and organism. Shashlik for muscle. Salad I eat 4-5 times a week. shashlik I eat somewhere about 3 time a month. I can cook different types of salad: Russian salad, Caesar and so one. 2) on holidays I like swimming, drawing, singing and walking in the park. I very good at drawing. I can draw really well. Different animals, nature, food. Also I can sing. I like to sing American songs. Often I sing in karaoke. In park I like walking with my friends. We play different games, ride the bicycle. It's very interesting and healthy.
There is Tom with his friend
There are four people on that sofa.
There are two cats on my bed.